Chapter 33

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I had never slept so soundly for that many consecutive hours before, and my eyelids fought against the morning sun.

Ronan and I had moved like magnets, changing position throughout the night, but still maintaining physical contact.

He registered my movements the second I lifted my head, pulling me closer and inhaling the scent of my hair deeply from behind.

"Can we just stay here?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"The morning waits for no one. And we have much to do." Ronan said before giving me a peck on the top of my head. He stood and stretched, letting out a groan that gave me chills before leaving me alone in his bed.

"Much to do and so little desire to do it." I mumbled to myself before forcing my body out of bed.

With my feet heavy and my eyes tired, I retreated to my room to get dressed and tie my hair up. I joined Ronan in the kitchen and smiled when he handed me a hot cup of tea and a plate of breakfast.

"Thank you." I said with a smile that he reciprocated.

"Thank the Gods." Talon groaned as he entered the kitchen, witnessing our endearing exchange. "I'm assuming she accepted the bond since she's still sitting here."

Accepted? Can one reject the bond? Who would do such a thing?

"None of your concern. But if you must know. Yes." Ronan said coldly.

Talon let out a sigh of relief as he gathered some food onto a plate.

"Where's Kaes?" I asked, turning over my shoulder, expecting him to saunter in at any moment.

"He comes and goes as he pleases." Ronan said, giving a shrug of his broad shoulders.

"How on earth did that friendship evolve?" I asked before taking a bite of fruit.

"I mean, your friendship with Talon makes sense - serving with one another, but Kaes? You made it very clear that he wasn't Thoracian."

"Kaes has fought alongside us many times." Ronan corrected.

"But you said he does not pledge fealty to Thoracia." I asked.

"He doesn't. Kaes bows to no one, but he is attracted to power." Talon added.

"So he fights for Thoracia because he thinks Thoracians are powerful?"

"Could be. That or pure boredom." Ronan scoffed. "Kaes views the entire world as his playground. Trying to anticipate his moves or interpret his motives is a daunting task that I gave up years ago."

"He'll resurface in a day or two."

"How can you be sure?" I asked, hoping I would get the chance to apologize.

"You. You're the most powerful little being he's come across in a long time and he won't be able to stay away for long."

I remembered Kaes' words from the courtyard when he described feeling my powers from miles away. I couldn't help but wonder who else had sensed them. Slight fear pricked my spine, but I tried my best to conceal it.

I've already considered that as a possibility. No one will harm you.

Letting my gaze shift toward Ronan, I locked eyes with him, giving him a small smile of appreciation.

"So what do we have to do today?" I asked, finishing my breakfast.

"Today you will show us your gifts." Ronan's words had an edge to them that sounded more like a command.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now