Chapter 3

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I hugged my sister and twirled her around in my arms when she told me of her pending engagement that evening.

She was glowing with excitement and Aiden and I couldn't get enough of the sight.

"She's so happy." I said to my father as I helped him prepare dinner.

"That she is." He chuckled, letting his eyes drift over to Kisha, then back down to the vegetables he was chopping.

"If only I had two smiling daughters." He muttered, but I pretended I hadn't heard him.

Clearing his throat, my father commanded my attention, pulling my focus away from dinner and up to his beard covered jaw and thick brows.

I lifted my chin and gave him an over exaggerated smile, straining in an effort to display as many teeth as possible.

"Elegant." My father chuckled, a deep rumble from his chest.

"I don't need to be engaged to be happy." I sassed, slamming the knife down on the pepper I was cutting.

"I know that. I just want you to be happy in general."

His words were endearing and honest and I knew that he always wanted what was best for me despite the fact that we were not blood related - I was his.

"And what about you? Don't you deserve to be happy?"

"Nice try, but we're not changing the subject. My children's happiness will always take priority."

I stopped chopping vegetables and turned to face my father, his eyes filled with concern.

"I am happy." I wished I was more convincing as I spoke the words.

His strong hand cupped the side of my face with his thumb brushing against my cheek, so rough and calloused.

"Don't lie to me Everly." It was a plea that broke my heart.

I fought back against the tears that threatened to fall and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I'll work on it."

My answer seemed to satisfy him and we spent the rest of the night as a family, sitting around the dining room table enjoying each other's company. It was strange to think that in a few short weeks Kisha would no longer be sitting at this family table, but instead sitting at a table of her own, in a new home without us. So we soaked her in, spending as much time with her as we could.


The next morning my father was to meet with Isaac's parents to discuss wedding preparations for the happy couple, asking Aiden to train with me in his stead.

We hiked up the mountain in silence, unsure what to say to each other, deciding the voice of nature was enough.

Once we reached the secluded clearing, Aiden wasted no time. His heart rate picked up ever so slightly, indicating that he was about to strike.

The early warning gave me just enough time to dodge his advance, swiveling my body to the right as his dulled practice blade missed me by millimeters.

I grinned at Aiden, but my brother wasn't smiling.

He swung his blade again from over his head, causing me to dive out of the way, rolling on the ground to my left. Strike after strike missed and landed against the dirt or the trunks of trees as he drove me backwards. Grabbing the practice knife from my holster, I made quick contact with his thigh, forcing a grunt from him in return.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now