Chapter 1

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~Eight years later~


It was difficult to keep my balance as my feet found the most jagged edge of every rock on the narrow footpath. I was so distracted.

My lungs burned, trying to pull in oxygen from the thin mountain air as I trekked higher up the path, out from beneath the constant gray cloud cover that blanketed our small village. It was fitting I suppose, to be surrounded by dullness and gray every day, as if the world had lost its beauty and wonder when my mother was killed.

Pushing the thought from my mind with a forceful shake of my head, I continued on, hiking up the mountain side.

A sound perked my ears and I focused on it through the peaceful quiet of the forest.

Human breathing.

My gifts had grown immensely and I could pick up on the sound of breathing or the thumping of a pulse from a distance.

A smirk formed on my face as I pretended not to notice the fast approaching human, recognizing that particular mouth breather instantly.


Seconds later I heard a twig snap to my left, causing me to whirl on my brother, wrapping my leg around his ankle and knocking his legs out from under him as I quickly pinned him to the ground.

"How?" He grunted, shoving my hands away as he stood and brushed the dirt from his clothes.

"I could hear you breathing from a mile away." I scoffed.

My eyes darted around the trees that surrounded me, searching for signs of movement. My father was skilled at ambushing me, typically sending my brother as a sacrificial lamb in order to distract me.

"Relax." Aiden drawled. "He's not coming today."

Whipping my head around, I gave my brother a panicked look that matched the growing fear in my gut. My father had trained with me every single day since my mothers passing. He'd never miss a training session unless it was an emergency.

"Why? What's wrong?" There was a little more volume in my voice than I had intended, but the grin on my brother's face put me at ease slightly.

"Calm the hell down would ya? He's meeting with Isaac as we speak."


Aidens grin grew even wider as if I should already know the answer to that question, and I did.

"Kisha's hand in marriage." I muttered, getting a nod of confirmation from Aiden.

I couldn't control the smile on my face at the thought of my baby sister marrying her soul mate and Aiden seemed just as thrilled.

"It's about time. They've only been talking about marriage since they were children."

Aiden and I slowed the pace of our steps, casually carrying on about Kisha's upcoming marriage as we sauntered through the woods. Training didn't seem to be a priority to Aiden as we discussed his twin sister's husband to be.

"She'll want you to be a part of the wedding." Aiden added.

"I'm not so sure of that." My voice dropped and my eyes were fixated on my feet as we walked across the forest floor.

Aiden sighed and ran his hand backwards through his sandy blonde hair.

"I think she will, but you'll have to be more..." Aiden searched for the right word to use, but failed.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now