Chapter 22

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Later that evening after a long bath, Jade provided us with dresses, each organized by the symbols that had been inked onto our wrists.

I found my sun symbol quickly and lifted the white flowing dress to inspect it. The plunging neck line was the first thing I noticed, whipping my head in Jade's direction for an explanation.

She gave me a devious smile and sauntered over to me.

"You held quite the audience last night. I chose this dress especially for you."

"Where's the rest of it?" I shrieked, turning it over in my hands as if it would produce more fabric at a different angle.

Jade's grin only grew wider.

"You will wear it well, little beauty. And I've designed something even more delicious for the sacrament which you will take part in no doubt."

"What do you mean, take part in?"

Jade couldn't tell if I was being coy or genuine and tilted her head as if she was studying me.

"You realize that once the high ranking bids begin, you will be the first symbol chosen."

"Me? Why?"

My eyes were wide and I prayed that Kaes had kept my secret.

"No need for games, Everly. Word of your gift has traveled quickly among the ranks. There hasn't been a healer in the sacrament in decades. You are quite the prize to be won, little beauty."

So my plan to lay low and go unnoticed is now out of the question. Great.

The worry on my face was not well received and Jade looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"This is what you wanted, is it not? The high ranking officers will be fighting over you tomorrow night. What more do you want?"

I want to be free of this wretched place.

"I guess I'm just...overwhelmed." I forced a smile that seemed to pacify Jade enough to leave me alone with the skimpy white dress.

I changed into it slowly, trying to stretch the fabric to cover more of my flesh but it was no use. I was exposed from neck to navel leaving very little to the imagination. My hands searched for ways to cover my exposed body, trying to ensure my breasts were concealed by the thin fabric at all times.

"You look perfect." Jade squealed, taking hold of one of my arms and twirling me uncomfortably.

I didn't feel perfect, I felt unprotected and vulnerable. Feelings that I greatly disliked.

"Hurry along now, take what you can carry and be on your way."

Following Jade's instructions, I fell in line with a basket of bread, taking the same path toward the veiled dining hall and arena.

Once I had passed through the magical barrier, I found a much different welcoming than before. Not only did I feel eyes on me in all directions, but several Thoracian warriors approached me, grabbing my arm to better see the marking on my wrist. I nearly dropped my basket of bread several times and glared at every man who dared to touch me without my consent.

I rounded the corner, hoping to find refuge at the officers table which was secluded and exclusive. As soon as I stepped into view, Talon's eyes went wide, bouncing down to my feet then back up to my face. He was on his feet and moving toward me, throwing his napkin down into his empty seat as he approached me with an angry look on his face.

"By the Gods Every, what are you wearing?" He asked, positioning his massive body in front of mine in an effort to conceal me.

"Believe me, I'm just as thrilled about it as you are."

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now