I'm In Love With You

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(Alicia POV)

After waking up I quickly get ready, How did I get up so late?! I don't even bother doing my hair, so I let my long red hair fall over my shoulders and down my back. Running out the door to the car I take deep breathes and relax. The ride to the school was silent, I think Tamaki could tell something was stressing me out but didn't ask. Does he even feel the same way? That thought has been on my mind constantly since Mira stayed with me. I didn't even realize that we arrive at the school until I heard a deep voice. "Alicia."

"Oh, Hey Takashi!" Seeing Takashi I instantly smiled and got out of the car to face him. I give him a closed eyed smile and giggle. On the inside I'm completely freaking out, my heart is racing, I have butterflies in my stomach, and face started to become warm. I also have this really weird thing that happens to me when I'm nervous, I get blotchy. I could just feel my chest and arms become warms from the blotches, luckily my uniform covered them up.

"Ali-chan is your face red?" Honey giggles and hugs Usa-chan to his chest.

I glance at him and stammer out, "N-no." Pulling out my phone and looking at the time I mentally face palm, "I have to get to class, see you guys at the host club!" Quickly walking off my heart still beats quickly but I soon arrive to class and see the twins and Haruhi.

"Hey-" Kaoru starts putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Licia." Hikaru finishes and does the same.

I pull away from them and turn to face the grinning twins, "Licia really? Please don't ever call me that again." I walk to my seat and wait for the teacher to start the lesson.

*time skip*

After class ends I walk out of the classroom and see Takashi waiting outside, Is he waiting for me? "Hey Takashi." I walk up to him and wave, smiling of course.

"Hi." Hearing whispers from the girls in my class I start to walk off to the club room. Takashi follows coming to my side and walking silently next to me. Walking into the club room I expect to see Mira but can't find her. Odd I can't find Honey-senpai either.

"Tamaki, where's Mira and Honey-senpai?" Tamaki squeals then Haruhi covers his mouth.

"Don't wake them up!" She whisper yells and looks over to a small bed. I follow her gaze and quietly walk over to the bed. I let out a small gasp then cover my mouth and smile. Mira is really head over heels for him. Mira has her head lying on Honey's chest with the both of them asleep. I walk away quietly and giggle.

"That is just too cute." I giggle trying to keep quiet and glance to them again. If only that were me and Takashi. I blush, look down, and walk away so I can be alone and think. What is wrong with me? Do I really like him that much? I sigh and look out a window. Thinking isn't helping at all.

"Alicia are you okay?" Haruhi steps beside me but I continue to look out the window.

I nod, "I'm fine, just thinking." Really bad choice of words! Please don't ask!

"About what?" Damn. I look to Haruhi and smile.

"It's nothing really."

"Okay, well we're about to open and you'll be with Mira-senpai, she's still a little nervous around guests." Haruhi smiles and walks over to Tamaki and gets into position. I follow her and wave to Mira, who finally woke up, and wink. She glares and bushes madly causing me to giggle. Three boys approach Mira and I, I wave and smile while Mira hides behind me.

"It's okay Mira." I smile and lead our guests to our table. "Hello, I'm Alicia. I think you know Mira already." One of the boys stares at my chest and I become extremely irritated but hide it and smile.

"Oh, Hey." The tallest of the three smirks and it creeps me out, "You're cute." Becoming uncomfortable I look to Takashi who's glaring at him. Get this guy away from me.

"Excuse me." I glare and cross my arms and look to Mira to see if she's okay.

"You're a feisty one aren't you?" He leans closer to me.

"And you're a creep. Do you have anything else to say because if you don't then please leave." He stops grinning and grabs my chin.

"What?" I glare and Takashi gets up but before he can do anything I punch the boy and he lets go o my face.

"Don't ever touch me." I run out of the club doors crying, my foster father always did that before he hit me. I sat down in the hallway and cried, scared. Memories flashed through my head then I heard a door open. I look up and see Takashi and start to cry more and jump into his arms. He pulls me closer to him as I cry but I start to calm down. "I'm sorry Takashi." My breathing was ragged as I apologized.

"Don't be. You did nothing wrong." I pulled away and looked at him, he was very obviously angry but I knew he wasn't angry with me. "I wanted to stop him before he did anything."

"Takashi, it's fine. That's not the worst I've been through." My eyes continue to water but I manage to smile. "Thank you." My voice is quiet and shaky.

"I would do anything for you Alicia."

"R-really?" He nods and I blush.

"Alicia?" I look into his eyes and blush.

"Yeah Takashi?" He looks like he wants to tell me something.

"I-I think I'm in love with you." Takashi's face becomes red and I look at him shocked then smile.

"M-me too....." I look down the Takashi pulls me into his arms and I smile, hugging him back. I'm in love with Takashi and he feels the same way, this feels like a dream.

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