Weird Friends

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After leaving the airport we took a cab to a hotel, obviously not something that Takashi or Tamaki would be used to but the rest of us definitely were. I smiled to myself and thought about how much my life has changed in almost a year. I got adopted by an amazing family, I'm in a wonderful relationship, I've made a lot of great friends, and I can finally just be myself. I know I know, it sounds cheesy but I've never been happier and more grateful for anything ever.

Of course I was snapped out of my thoughts, only this time it wasn't from Takashi's strong arms but from Cam flicking my nose. "Hey... Why you do that..."

"Don't know, just felt like it." She stated blandly with a small hint of a smile on her face. Classic Cam, always messing around and being weird. I missed this, being able to just mess around and not have to act proper.

"Fine then." I giggled and pulled her 'Normal People Scare Me' beanie over her face. Being the weirdo that she is, she didn't fix her beanie but started to aimlessly walk around without being able to see. I laughed, "What the hell are you doing?"

Cam looked at me, well tried to at least, she was actually looking at Tamaki. "I be walking."

Honestly, Tamaki looked utterly confused, which really isn't that surprising but it was a different kind of confused. I started laughing really hard, a little too hard maybe. Hey, I was easily entertained so everyone was used to it, mostly. Everyone started to laugh as well, except Tamaki. He was still too confused to see why we were laughing.

"Imoutosan..." Tamaki whined and clung onto my arm, "What's so funny!" His whining only made me laugh harder.

"Oh my god Cam, you said that to my brother instead of me." I somehow was able to speak through my laughing fits.

Cam fixed her beanie and laughed. "Oh well, still funny."

After a few more minutes of continuous laughing and joking around we managed to calm down and get our room keys. Somehow Rae and Sicilia had convinced Tamaki, whom is crazily over-protective of me, to let Takashi and I to share a room. Knowing those two they weirded him out into agreeing but I wasn't going to ask, I really didn't want to know. I was obviously embarrassed but I didn't object and neither did Takashi, which surprised me a little.

Rae wore an evil grin and nudged my side with her elbow. "Don't have too much fun in there."

"Oh my god Rae!" I basically turned into a tomato in two seconds. "We don't do that......" That was a lie but no one needed to know about that.

Kira giggled and decided to add on, "YET!"

"Kira! Staph it!" I whined, becoming more and more embarrassed. I crossed my arms and hid my tomato face in Takashi's chest. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, making my blush become darker. "Takashi..... That didn't help..."

"I know." I could hear the smile in his voice but our little moment didn't last long.

Rae, Sicilia, and Kira looked at each other then yelled very loudly, "HE SPOKE!!!"

I couldn't help but giggle at their reaction to my oddly quiet boyfriend saying no more than two words. "Obviously he talks guys."

*time skip-a few hours*

Everyone was in their rooms, but we'd be going to dinner soon so none of us would be alone for very long. It was nice, being alone with Takashi and not having to worry that Tamaki might barge into my room because he was protective. He seemed to always be worried that something would happen, I didn't really blame him though. I knew the day that we met that he was going to be extremely protective of me.

I smiled to myself, oblivious to the fact that my boyfriend was intently staring at me. "Hey, Takashi, have you ever noticed how Tamaki gets when we're together?"

"Yeah." He quietly answered, nothing out of the normal for him.

"I find it entertaining sometimes. He always finds a way to keep me closer to him, it's never worked for long though." Giggling, I turned my gaze to Takashi. Of course he was still staring right at me and well I blushed, I thought I would be used to his staring by now but nope.

He smiled, a faint one but it was still a smile. It made me giggle for some reason, I just found it cute I guess. Rolling his eyes, Takashi grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. He was sitting on the bed and I was still only at eye level with him, why do I have to be so short?

I quickly pecked his lips, "You seem happy right now, it's nice." He nodded in response, classic. "Why can't you be tired yet?" I giggled.

"Shh, I'm still staring." Takashi said rather abruptly causing me to laugh.

"Never mind, you're definitely tired." I giggled and softly kissed his cheek. "I love you."

He smiled at me, "I love you too Alicia. It's nice to see you this happy, it's been a while since I've seen you like this."

"It's just been too long since I last saw them and I am really happy but you're here so I'm even happier than I would've been if you weren't." My smile became softer, more sincere. I really loved him and was happy that he was able to meet my friends here.

A charming smile was on his lips, "Is that so? I thought you might have wanted to see them alone, with Tamaki."

"I really wanted them to meet you and if you weren't with me and oniisan I would've missed you too much to enjoy being here." I softly shook my head, "I don't know what I would do if you didn't come with us."

"Okay." He stated a little quieter than usual and leaned closer to me. I blushed as his lips pressed to mine but I kissed back. Slowly I snaked my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. The kiss started to get more passionate and Takashi laid back on the bed, causing me to lay on top of him. My blush got darker and more red but I wasn't very focused on anything except for Takashi.

Of course someone knocked on the door, forcing us to pull apart. Much to my disappointment, I got up and opened the door. Who was standing there? None other than Tamaki. "Oniisan what are you doing here?"

"Just coming to get you and Mori senpai!" He yelled, most likely not knowing that he was yelling.

I groaned, "For what?"

Tamaki looked at me with a confused expression. "For dinner, what else?"

"Oh! I completely forgot!" I almost started to panic but reminded myself that it really wasn't a big deal. "Okay, just give us a few minutes and we'll meet you guys in the lobby."

I closed the door and frantically looked for my jacket and wallet. "Where did I put them?" I mumbled and continued to look around the hotel room, feeling nervous.

"Alicia, calm down." Takashi said softly, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I have our stuff already."

"Sorry." I took a deep breath, "I just got nervous all the sudden. My nerves always get the better of me when I'm in a hurry for some reason."

He kissed my head and smiled, "I know but you don't need to be nervous love." I nodded and quickly hugged him.

"We should get to the lobby, everyone is probably waiting for us now." I stated and glanced up at him, looking at his almost grey eyes. He nodded at me, showing a faint smile.

I smiled the grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers together and walked out of the hotel room. We silently walked to the lobby and my large group of friends noticed us. Rae waved at us, in a really weird way but most of us were used to her weirdness. In all reality we were all super weird so we just accepted it.

"Let's go guys, I'm starving!" Rae stated rather dramatically making me laugh. Sicilia started to walk out of the hotel, faintly laughing to herself and the rest of us followed behind.

After that, let's just say dinner was really interesting.


Hey guys! I know it's been a really long wait but I'll be finished the story in two to three chapters. Anyway, thank you for waiting for this chappy! Please vote and comment! I really like to get feedback from you guys!

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