Jungle Fun!

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I can't stop smiling, Did that really just happen? After Mira pulled me away from Takashi and Honey-senpai Kyoya told her that they had to leave. Mira gave everyone a hug, well except Honey, she gave a kiss on the cheek. They're a really cute couple. I wonder what will happen when Honey's fangirl s find out. "Goodbye y'all!!! I will see you tomorrow!" After saying goodbye she strikes a Tamaki pose and well I burst out laughing as she walks out. I fall to the ground laughing while Tamaki sulks in his corner.

"That was just perfect!" Sighing after laughing so hard I giggle, "I haven't laughed that hard in....... ever." I get up off the ground and walk over to Tamaki, still giggling.

"Did she just break or what?" Haruhi smiles nervously as look over my shoulder at her.

I laugh again, "No I didn't break I thought that was funny." I giggle, "I have an odd sense of humor." Putting my hand on Tamaki's shoulder he turns his head slowly but dramatically and gives me the infamous, puppy-dog eyes.

"Not the eyes!" Hikaru and Kaoru hold on to each other with horrified expressions. Takashi of course remains expressionless while Honey sits on his shoulders.

Putting on the most serious expression I could without laughing, I turn to Tamaki again. "Come on Tamaki, get up." He ignores me, He's in for a surprise. "Okay, I didn't want to have to do this." I giggle and pull Tamaki out of the corner by his ear. Hearing my phone ring I let go and giggle then answer my phone. "Hello."

"I'm sorry what was that?" English? Oh, god my voice sounds weird to me in English now.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I said hello. May I ask who this is?"

"Alicia, really. Come you have to know who it is!" I smile and giggle, No way!

"Vik! No way, I'm sorry I didn't call sooner!" I turn around and Takashi staring at me with a surprised look on his face. "Give me like two seconds...." I pull the phone down and smile, "What?"

"Your voice is really deep when you speak English Ali-chan!" Honey looks surprised too.

I place the phone by my face again, "Sorry my friends are just a little surprised." Tamaki freaks out and well picks me up and spins me around, "Tamaki! Put me down now! I'm sorry but I have to go." I hang up and Takashi easily pulls me out of Tamaki's grip. I face palm and laugh, "She's probably really confused!" Everyone just stares making me giggle.

"A-Alicia we have t-to go." Tamaki looks kinda scared, but it's Tamaki he likes to over exaggerate.

"Okay!" I turn to Takashi and hug him, "See you later." He nods and I walk out. "Tamaki! Come on."

*time skip*

"Private jungle? It sounds fun but a little a weird." I roll on my back as I talk Mira on phone.

"Yeah, come on please! There won't be any guests just the club." She sounds excited and I'd get to see Takashi.

"I guess I'll come but you will not make me wear a bathing suit." Ugh, I hate bathing suits.

"Please! Just wear one!"

"No I hate them so much." I will argue with her all day if I have to I will not wear one.

After about 10 minutes of arguing I gave in and started to pack while I talked to her, "I'm going to put you on speaker, I got a message from... Takashi?" Mira giggles, "What did you do?"

"Nothing!" I know she's lying.

I answer Takashi and set my phone on my dresser, "You did do something Mirabelle. Come on spill."

She giggles again, "Nope!" I glare at my phone and cross my arms. "I can feel you glaring right now." I laugh, she knows me too well.

"Are you a psychic?!"I yell sarcastically and she giggles. I look at the message Takashi sent me, Huh, turns out Kyoya told everyone that we're going. "Takashi asked me if I was going with you guys. I guess Kyoya told them already?"

"Yeah, he seems excited, well for him." She giggles, "I have to pack we'll get you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, talk you later."

"Byes!" I hang up and continue to pack, occasionally talking to Takashi.

*Another time skip cuz I lazy*

After waking up I walk down stairs and eat a quick breakfast before changing into shorts and a tank top. Grabbing the bag I packed I go to the sitting room with Tamaki and wait for Mira to arrive. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door and rush to open it. "Hey Mira!" I smile, "Tamaki come on." I pull Tamaki out the door and smile as soon as I see Takashi. He smiles back at me and walks up to me and hugs me. I giggle, "I feel so short every time you hug me." Takashi smiles and laughs.

"Did I miss something?!" Tamaki grabs Kyoya's shoulders and shakes him dramatically.

"I believe so. You've never been very observant." Kyoya sighs and straightens out is clothes once Tamaki lets go of him. "Just get in the car." Mira giggles and blushes. They are too cute! Honey's and Mira's fingers are intertwined and I giggle then wink at her, causing her blush even more. I climb into the limo followed by Takashi who sits next to me.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was private Mira." I get out of the car and look around me in awe. Mira giggles and grabs my hand.

"Come on we have to change!" Pulling me to a changing room Mira giggles and I sigh. "What?"

"Bathing suits that's what."

"Oh get over it and change!" I roll my eyes and walk into the changing room and put on a green bathing suit and a black crop top. As I walk out Mira squeals.

"Shut up." I cross my arms annoyed and wait for her to change as Haruhi walks up to me. "Oh hey."

"Hi, Alicia-senpai." She sounds annoyed, I understand why, the twins made her wear a regular bathing suit but she has a white tank over it. I laugh and she glares.

"I don't like this thing either." Mira walks out in a purple, polka-dotted bathing suit and I face palm. Haruhi laughs at me and I look at Mira again, "Did you at least bring a volleyball?"

"Yeah!" She giggles, "Come on!" Grabbing my hand she pulls me to where the rest of the club is. I blush when I see Takashi and look down. "Ali-chan come on lets go play volleyball!"

"Ok but I thought that you weren't very good at volleyball." I look at Mira confused but go with her. "I get first serve!"

"Boys against girls Ali-chan?" I nod and grab the ball. Takashi, Honey, and oddly Kyoya are on the other team while Haruhi and Mira are on my team. This is going to be interesting. I serve the ball and Takashi hits it back over the net to Haruhi, who gets the ball. When Mira drops the ball, its the boys turn to serve and Honey serves it causing me to dive for it and I manage to get it over the net but now my legs and chest hurt.

After playing for awhile longer Mira and Honey go swim in the tide pool but somehow too much water rushes through the tide pool and takes them with it. "Mira!" I try to catch up with them by running but fall short and can't see them anymore. "I'm going to look for them.

"Not without me." Takashi grabs my hand before I can walk offand I nod then startto walkinto the direction where they could've gone.

In the pic Mira should be a lot shorter but I couldn't edit the pic. Thanks for reading! Byes!!!

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