Coming Home

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Going to school for the next few days was hard for me, everyone saw the picture of Takashi and I so I had a lot of his fangirls kind of after me. Overall I was more worried about Mirabelle and made myself really sick. Everyone was worried about me and well Tamaki told me to stay home because in his words 'going to school was only making it worse.' Hearing my door open I rolled over and sat up to see one of the maids.

"Miss you have guests, should I bring them up?" The maid is smiling and I instantly know that it's Takashi.

I nod, "Yes, please." I sound worse than I have for the past few days, It sounds like I'm dying. I giggled but it turned into a cough.

"Alicia. Are you okay?" Takashi came to my side but I could only nod. Honey slowly walked up to my bed, he had bags under his eyes and Usa-chan was replaced with Kia-chan.

I sighed and gave Honey a weak smile, "Honey-senpai come here." My voice was deeper than usual and ragged. Honey looked up at me and tears came to his eyes, he jumped onto me and started to cry.

"Ali-chan!!!" He started to cry harder as I wrapped my arms around him. He must be worried sick about her. I looked up to Takashi, I could tell he was worried about Honey. My eyes started to water as I thought about Mira and I hugged Honey tighter. Tears started to stream down my face and Honey let go of me. "Please don't cry Ali-chan it will be okay!" Honey tried to comfort me but he was still crying.

"T-takashi..." I continued to cry while Takashi wrapped his strong arms around me and I cried into his chest. He tried to calm me down but I only cried harder. "I-I'm just so w-worried about h-her." My voice shook but the tears had stopped.

"It's going to be okay Alicia." Takashi whispered to me and stroked my hair. "She's going to come back."

"I k-know but she never s-said a-anything about leaving." I pulled away and Takashi wiped the tears from my face with his thumb. I smiled weakly, He manages to be romantic even when I'm upset. Honey crawled over to us and hugged me. "Thank you guys for coming over here today." I hugged Honey back and smiled but I was still worried about her. I pulled away from Honey then sighed which lead into a yawn.

"You can sleep if you're tired Ali-chan." Honey had stopped crying but I could tell that he was still sad.

I nodded, "You need to get some sleep too Honey-senpai." I smiled weakly then patted his head.

"Okay..." He lightened up a bit and held Kia-chan close to his chest. He quickly hugged me and slowly walked out of the room. Takashi slowly got up but I grabbed his wrist.

"Please don't leave." I looked down, "I haven't been able to sleep." I slowly lifted my head up again to look at Takashi. He nodded and sat down next to me, I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. His heart was racing, which made me realize how fast mine was beating. I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep for the first time in days.

I woke up in my room back in the US, I shot up and looked around the room. Hearing loud footsteps I covered myself with a blanket and pretended to sleep. "Scared little girl, I know you're awake." I tensed up but hoped he didn't see me. Feeling a hand creep into my hair I whimpered and he laughed. I had just started kick boxing maybe I can fight back but, I'm still afraid. He grabbed my hair and pulled me out of my bed and I screamed. Laughing me put his face up to mine and grinned evilly as I started to cry.

"Please, no..." I pleaded and cried, "Just let go." He laughed.

"Okay." He smirked and shoved me into my body mirror and it shattered around me cutting open my back. I screamed in pain and cried harder, he slowly walked up to me and forcefully grabbed me by my chin then hit me.

Someone must have heard the commotion because I heard sirens in front of our house. My foster father grunted angrily and grabbed my hair again. "Who did you tell?!"

"I didn't tell anyone! Please just let me go!" I cried and screamed as he tightened his grip. He dropped me as a few cops ran into the room, my head hit the floor and I slowly blacked out.

"Someone get a medic!" I heard someone yell before my vision when black.

I sat up quickly as I woke up and I started to cry. Takashi sat up a few minutes later, He must have fallen asleep. "I'm sorry I woke you." My voice was quiet and shaky, he pulled me to him.

"Alicia what happened?" I could tell by his voice that he was concerned.

"J-just a bad dream. It's why I can't sleep." I winced as his hand pressed against the scar on my back. He pulled away and looked worried.

"Your scar. You remembered how you got it, didn't you?" I nodded and started to cry again.

"H-he shoved me into a m-mirror and it s-shattered." I was starting to calm down before I could have an anxiety attack. I feel so safe in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled weakly.

"Alicia, it's me. The host club came to see you." Tamaki knocked on the door, then opened it. Behind him was the club members, Kyoya concerned me the most he kept on blaming himself for Mirabelle leaving.

"Kyoya come here." I gave him a weak smile as he walked over to me. I slowly stood up and hugged him, I could tell that they were surprised that he hugged me back. "She's going to be okay, she'll be back."

His voice started to shake, "I know but I'm worried." I pulled away and smiled at him.

*time skip I lazy*

I hear Tamaki yell "MY DAUGHTERS HOME!!!!!" as soon as I walk into the music room. Wait who's home?!

"Boss calm down, don't wake them up!" I run over to Takashi who's standing by Honey's bed. I gasp and stumble back.

"Mirabelle..." I say quietly, I don't want to wake her but it's hard to believe that she's back. Takashi hugs me then lets go as Haruhi walks up to us.

"Come on Ali-san, lets go get the biggest cake we have for when she wakes up." Haruhi smiles.

I smile and nod, "Okay!" I grab her wrist and speed walk to the kitchen. "Honey-senpai will probably want some too." I tap on my chin as I think of what cake they would both like.

"I think they would like anything Ali-san." I giggle and nod.

"True!" I laugh and grab a chocolate cake with a white chocolate frosting that Haruhi make. "This looks amazing Haru-san, she's going to love it!" I walk out with the cake while Haruhi grabs plates and silverware.

A few minutes later Mira and Honey wake up, probably from the smell of the cake. "Mirabelle!" I yell to her at smile then my eyes start to water. She runs up to me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry Alicia!" She apologized.

"It's okay Mira, I'm just glad you're back." I smiled and hugged her tightly. I almost started to cry but held back. Looking at Takashi I pulled away from Mira. "We got you cake."

"Really! YAY!!!" Mira smiled brightly and runs to Honey, grabs his hand and runs to the table where I put the cake. Takashi walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I hope you're feeling better." I turned around and placed my hands on his neck.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I giggled and smiled brightly, then he leaned down and kissed me. Pulling away I smiled and giggled.

"So CUTE!!!" Mira squealed and ruined the moment. I glared at her causing her to giggle and stick her tongue out at me. Finally, everything is back to normal.


Thanks for reading hope you liked it. Please comment I really need the feedback. Hehehehehe BYES!

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