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Harro everyone! I have exciting news! WE JUST HIT 1K READS! And I say we because I could never do this on my own, I could never do any of this without you wonderful readers. Thank you guys so much. I've been trying to figure out a name for you guys and I settled on Tiger lilies! Tigers are my favorite animal and I really like flowers soo, yay! I don't want to ramble on but again thank you so much for reading this story. It means so much to me that people read what I write. Well I just wrote a 100 word authors note, hope you enjoy the chappy. Weird author-chan is out. BYES!


(Alicia POV)

Hmm, maybe I should get my hair cut, it's too long.  I thought as I listened to music in the garden. I looked up at the blue sky and sighed. "Screw it, I'm going to call them." I took out my headphones and called....... Hikaru, knowing Kaoru would be with him.


"Hey Hikaru, do you think you and Kaoru could, uh, help me with something?" I asked, walking around the garden.

"With what?" Hikaru asked curiously asked, I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.  I giggled hearing a 'Hey 'Licia!' in the background.

I sighed, "My hair, it's getting too long and I don't like any of the stylists here." I laughed, 'So I figured that you guys would be willing to help." I slowly started to walk back to the entrance of the mansion.

"Sure," He paused, Oh god please tell me they aren't planning anything!  "As long as we can do whatever we want."

I groaned and face palmed, "Fine, but within reason. I don't want to look crazy or whatever." I waved to Tamaki as I walked into the sitting room, who gave me a confused look.  I shrugged it off and sat on the couch.

I could hear Kaoru laughing, "Yeah yeah, our place though. I think it would be fun to surprise them." Hikaru chuckled.

"Whatever, when do you want me to be there?" I sighed loudly and Tamaki shot me another confused look.

"An hour!" Kaoru yelled. I nodded then got up and started to head to my room.

"Okay, I'll be there. Don't expect me to be all happy and what not, I haven't had the best day." Earlier I had fallen while walking up the stairs, shattered my phone screen, almost broke my ankle while training, and to add to it, I hadn't seen Takashi since the graduation almost 3 weeks ago.

"Okay, see you soon. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and walked, well limped, into my room and collapsed on my bed. I found it odd that I was going to the twins for this but I knew they weren't complete idiots. They always cheered me up when I wasn't in the best mood and when Takashi wasn't here.

I sighed and pushed myself off my bed then slipped on a pair of brown knee high boots, a halter top, and a thin purple tunic with black leggings. I slowly limped around my room trying to pass the time, then decided to walk to their place. "Onee-san! I'm leaving, see you later!" I yelled to the sitting room where Tamaki was.

"Where are you going?!" He yelled back before our grandmother walked down the stairs and glared at me.

"Stop your yelling, pests." Her intense glare caused me to look down at my shoes.

I whispered, "I apologize, obaasan." I bowed and walked out the door, releasing a breath I was holding in. I texted Tamaki telling him that I was just heading out.  As I walked I turned on my music and ignored the people walking around me. I texted Kaoru and told him I was heading over.

After about 20 minutes I arrive at the Hitachiin manor and I'm greeted by their mother, who as most people know is a fashion designer. "Hello." I waved and smiled.

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