Ch. 9 *The Lost Boys*

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Neither me or Star say a single word.
Star's face has paled, and I can see that she's shaking just a tiny bit. But why? She knows them, she even called them her brothers, why is so frightened right now?

Maybe because I'm here? Maybe there overprotective of Star?

The platinum blond raises an eyebrow. "Well? Aren't you going to introduce us Star?" He asks.
Star's hands begin to shake, though she tries to hide it. "Um...these are m-my brothers," she stutters, "David, Paul, Dwayne, and Marko."

She points at them all, and only the ones named Marko and Dwayne wave a little. The other two Paul and David, stare at me like I'm a threat.
I wave back softly.

"And she is?" David nods at me, his voice low and his face hardened.
Before Star answers, I speak. "My name is Luna," I respond, quickly feeling a little fear come over me when his eyes meet mine.

Jesus why does this man scare the living hell out of me? I don't even know him!
"Luna," he murmurs, crossing his arms, "well, Luna. You have a lot of explaining to do..."

Star stands up. "David, she-" she stops, the nervousness tightening her vocal cords.
Star was always easy to scare, she wasn't thick skin when it came to that.
She needs some help.

I slowly stand up, wobbling a little from a small dizzy spell that came over me.
David's eyes glance between us as we stand next to each other.
I inhale a breath. "I know you have questions, the most important one probably being why I followed you here, well..." I glance at Star, "I was at the concert at the boardwalk when I bumped into her and...she reminded me of someone I used to know."

"And who was that?" He asks.
"My sister," I reply, before the tension begins to fill my chest.
Are these seriously gonna be believe that Star and I are family?

Star wraps her hand around mine and squeezes. "Remember I told you I ran away when we first met?"
"Yeah," Paul chimes in, "what does that have to do with..." He trails off. Well, the realization hit him pretty fast.

But not David.
Or maybe David does assume, but he doesn't want to believe it.

"Luna is my little sister."

The room falls quiet. You can't even hear a breath...
David exhales after a moment. "Sister huh? She never mentioned having a sister."
Um...ouch. That hurt.

Those six years she was absent, she never even mentioned about her family? About me?

Star lets me go to approach David. She leans in to his ear, and whispers something that sounds like "would you have accepted me if I did tell you?"

David's eyes glance at her, to me, then her again before...
He steps aside, arm out. "Sit."
We all sit down. I sit beside Star on the small couch that fits two, Dwayne stands in the corner with his arms crossed, Marko and Paul sit on the broken fountain and Paul lights a cigarette to smoke.

David stands in the middle. "So, you bumped into Star at the concert and you were reminded of your long lost sister, then you follow us to our home, only to find out that she actually IS your sister..." David stares at me with a glare in his eyes.

I shell up.

David chuckles. "That's a twist of fucking fate," he shakes his head still laughing before looking at the other three boys for whatever thing they're going to say, or for approval on his little joke he just cracked.

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