Ch. 21 *Under The Moonlight*❣️

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I pace the beaches sandy ground while the moonlit waves push and pull beside me.

I'm clutching the gift David gave me.
His blood.
His love.
His power.

I glance down at the red heart shaped necklace.
It feels heavy in my palm.
For any other person, they would've been overjoyed.
This is a gift that shouldn't be taken lightly.

It's a vow. A promise to always be there for one another, to protect them, to always be there life partner.
But I'm seriously considering throwing this necklace in the ocean, letting the sharks smell the blood and swallow it whole.

I don't want this.
I don't want to be David's Mate. I don't love him.
He's controlling, possessive, and will do anything to get his own way.

Deep down, I know he doesn't love me.
He only wants me to be his tool.

I sigh, sitting down on the moist sand, burying my toes in the millions of millions of washed rocks.
I don't know what to do anymore.

I can't throw this necklace away. He'll find out and be furious.
Do I just push aside myself and my feelings? For the sake of pleasing him? And for my safety?

Or do I stand up and fight?

"Hey Star."

I jump at the sudden voice, only to see Michael standing behind me.
A breath of fresh air.

"Hi Michael," I stand up and brush my skirt off. "What are you doing out here?"
He shrugs, taking a step closer towards me. "Enjoying the night air," his eyes lower to my necklace. "Wow."

I glance down, quickly grabbing it and tucking under my shirt.
"It's my birthday gift," I mumble, though the word gift makes my stomach churn.
This is not a gift.
It's a curse.

"Wait, birthday?!" He says shocked before throwing a hand over his head. "Why didn't I know it was your birthday?! I would have gotten you a gift."

"It's okay-"

"Now what am I gonna do?" Michael pouts, he's putting on an overly exaggerated act, and I can't help but giggle behind my hand.
He's so funny.

He purses his lips, before his fingers snap. "Oh! I know the perfect gift."
"Oh?" I ask, a little curious to know how he's gonna give me the perfect gift.
And WHERE is he going to get it?

He looks at me, a little smirk on his face.
"Birthday kiss?"
My eyes widen. A kiss?

My heart beats out of my chest.
Thoughts of kissing Michael have crossed my mind, but I've always buried them deep within my mind.

I should say no.
But something makes me slowly step forward until we're barely an inch away.
I tilt my head. "Is that a gift for me or for yourself?" I whisper.

He chuckles a little. "Well, I guess it's for both of us," he whispers.
My cheeks are bright pink.
I don't know what comes over me.

I lean in, wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing his lips to mine.
Fireworks explode the second our mouths touch.

His arms wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer to him as we kiss.
He's gentle.
Not controlling, or rough.

He gives just as much as he takes.
It's all equal.

I kiss him for what seems like an eternity, losing myself in this warm feeling that he's giving me.
This is how love is supposed to feel like.

And this is when I officially decide.
I don't want to be with David.
I want to be with Michael.
I want to be with my sister, Luna.
I want to go home...

There has to be a way to break this curse.
And as God is my witness, I will do whatever it takes to find it.
I won't be a vampire anymore.
I'll become human.
I'll live and die as a human.

As I continue to kiss Michael, I don't see the necklace under my shirt beginning to glow bright red...

The Lost Sister ✓ [COMPLETED] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora