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Mate. The word mate keeps repeating in my head, over and over, like a horrible tune that you can't quite stop singing.

I pace the train bridge, hands buried in my pockets as my mind runs wild.
This cannot be happening.
How can it be happening?!!

Luna can't be my Mate! She's a human for God's sake!
And the little sister To Star...

I exhale deeply, taking a sit on the bridges edge, letting my feet dangle off the end.
I replay the memory of what happened between us.
She twisted her ankle and fell, and I caught her out of instinct.

But...I didn't feel the Mating bond at the moment.
I felt it...after my hand intertwined with hers.
What even came over me? Why did I even do that?

Was it the Mating bond urging me to do so?
Or just my damn self?

I stare off into the dark, a feeling of completely defeat coming over me.
The Mating bond can snap into place from one glance, one word, or in my case, one touch.

I sigh, "damn you David," I curse, feeling a wave of pure anger rise in my chest.
It was David's idea for me to follow Luna.

*Memory flashback*

"Marko? Do a job for me."
I glance at David who stands in front of me. His gloved hands clasped tightly in front of his lap.
I furrow a brow. "What now?"
I've already been his errand boy for a couple hours now, when will this guy give me a goddamn break?
He takes a sit. "I heard that Luna is going to dinner tonight to the Emerson's house. Follow her."
"What?! Why?!"
I don't want to follow her! Hell I don't want anything to do with her!
"Because," David sighs, annoyed at my immediate rejection. "Luna appears to be quite close to Michael. So, watch how they act around each other. Report back to me any interesting news. Got it?"
I almost tell him no, but the way he gives me that 'do it or else' stare of his, I end up getting off my chair and leaving the cave.
"You owe me for this, bastard."

*End of flashback*

So, I did it.
I followed her, and hid in a tree far enough for me not to get caught, but close enough for me to eavesdrop.

A complete waste of my time, I'll admit.
There was nothing interesting, just boring small talk.
And...it only ended with me having ZERO reports, and having panic attacks on this train bridge.

I just found out that my mate is LUNA of all people!
This isn't good. It's not good at all.

I start to panic, but I try to calm my nerves by taking deep breaths.
"Okay, calm down. It'll be okay. I just...need to ignore it. If I do that, it'll go away, right?"
It actually end up hurting.

You're not supposed to be away from your Mate, once the bond has snapped into place.
If you're far away, or your mate does not return the same feelings, it'll only hurt your heart.
Slowly, painfully...until there's no heart left.

I throw a hand over my chest.
I don't feel anything yet. Maybe if I manage to ignore her, it'll go away
It's the only chance I have.

Though thoughts of her slip into my mind.
I felt a wave of jealousy come over me, when I saw her hug that Michael guy.
That, and I can't deny that she is pretty.
She's really pretty honestly...

I gasp, smacking myself in the head to get rid of those thoughts.
What the hell am I thinking?!!
I need to stop it! Right now!

Luna cannot be my Mate.
She just can't...

Besides, she'd never love someone like me.
A vampire...
I lower my head into my hands. It's not like I can turn her into one of us.
And I can't be with a human.
It's not... natural.

That's why no matter what, I need to prevent this from going any further.

The Lost Sister ✓ [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now