Ch. 14 *Vampire*

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Ugghhhh, my head hurts.
What even HAPPENED anyway? I remember I yelled at Star when we were at the boardwalk, and went black.

Now, I'm back in this damp, cold cave, laying on an old couch with a throbbing head.
I sit up slowly, a dizzy spell coming over me.
Oh god don't tell me I fell and hit my head again.
That would be just great...

I slowly raise my hand and touch where the pain hurts most.
I don't think this was damaged from a fall...

I glance around at the dimly lit cave. It's eerily quiet right now...where is everyone?
Most importantly, where is Star?
She owes me a damn explanation about everything that's going on.
What's this whole vampire deal? Why did I wake up with a hurt head again?!

I almost stand up to go search, but a voice ringing through the air stops me dead in my tracks.

"You're awake, finally."

I look behind me at the curly blond haired boy who wears a jacket completely covered in patches as he leans against the cave wall.
The same guy who drove me home that night I found Star.

He approaches me, one hand pushing aside my hair right where my head hurts. And he is NOT gentle about it.

"Ow! What are you-"
He whistles low. "Damn, David got you good. But don't worry, you'll just have a bruise. Luckily, your hair will cover that."

He lets go of my hair and walks towards the broken fountain in front of us.
David did this?
He...punched me?

I clench a fist. "He can't do that," I say through gritted teeth, "I could have him arrested for that!"
Imagine if my parents found out. Dad would be absolutely furious, he himself would come and kick David's ass.

That I'd love to see.

Marko laughs. "Please, cops are too busy searching for missing bodies. Why would they be concerned about a few radical kids like us?"

He climbs to the top of the fountain, reaching out to pick up a pigeon.
Which...actually allowed Marko to grab him.
I stare at him in several silent moments.
He's not very compassionate for those who are missing...

Then again, look at ALL these guys.
They don't seem like the type that would be concerned about others well being beside there own.

I don't like them, nor do I trust them.'s the only way I can be around Star.
I need to just push aside my feelings and trust Star. If she says everything will be okay, then it will be okay.

I glance around the cave. "Where are the others?" I ask, to break this uncomfortable silence. Hopefully, they're close by. I don't want to be alone with this guy for too much longer.

"David's in the back with Paul and Dwayne," Marko says, dangling his legs in a childlike way, one hand running down the pigeons back.

"And Star?" I ask.

"She went outside to get some air, but since your awake," he jumps down, making a loud THUD sound that echoes throughout the cave. "I'll tell them that you're awake."
He begins to walk past me, but before he can leave, I stop him.

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