Chapter Ten+

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Harvey had never met a female like that before. She had been polite but not exceptionally kind like the beautiful Qingqing was. Qingqing had unique knowledge but held many secrets, while Bailey seemed highly intelligent, providing details and context without holding anything back, making the prognosis easier to determine. While different, they also resembled each other in a way he couldn't quite pinpoint.

He longed for Qingqing but knew she would never accept him as a mate. He envied the strength of her males that allowed them to be next to her. He felt ashamed to admit that when Bailey had expressed regret over losing her first mate, and joy at having his cub, he felt a similar kind of envy.

To be able to fight and die for one's mate was an honor but to be remembered and missed was something he'd never witnessed in all his years as a healer. That kind of love was rarer than a gentle feral.

Normally, healers are only called a couple times during a pregnancy. Once for the initial diagnosis, then again to determine sex and litter size. They were only called during the birth if something was going terribly wrong. Normally, Harvey would not involve himself that deeply during the litter's development. But this time was different. Bailey both wanted and deserved the cub her mate had left her, and Harvey was determined to help her through the entire process to the best of his ability. 


Note from the author:

I wanted to thank all my readers for reading up to this point. Your comments and support have made my entire month. 

This is the first time I have ever written or posted a fanfic. Actually, it's the first time I've written and posted much of anything. But thanks to all the other wonderful readers and writers out there, I was able to draw up some courage and begin Bailey's story. 

As you may have noticed, the chapters I write are fairly short, but I post fairly often. I will be trying to do at least one chapter a day. 

Because I post so often, you may notice a lot of typos or small plot holes. I reread my work but always seem to miss things so don't be too surprised if I've gone a made edits to previously posted chapters.

Once again, thank you for your support. Feel free to comment, or don't, as you prefer. And I hope you continue to enjoy Bailey's story. 


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