Chapter Eighteen

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Winston had heard everything from outside and when he couldn't wait any longer, he came inside. He looked at Harvey and me who had devolved into a sobbing mess. He did not look happy. He strode forward and pulled us apart by Harvey's shoulder. He then picked me back up into his arms

"Winston..." I started but was interrupted.

He looked hard at Harvey. "I'm taking Bailey home. She needs rest. Come after you've cleaned yourself up."

Harvey tried to collect himself, wiping the tears from his eyes, sniffling. "Yes. You're right. I'm sorry. I'll be there in a while."

Without a second glance, Winston carted me out the door. He didn't say anything to me the whole way home. When we got inside, he set me on the bed.

I grabbed his tail as he turned to walk away. "Are you upset with me?"

He froze with his back still facing me. Then his shoulders slumped as though defeated and turned around.

"No. I'm not upset with you. I'm just not happy with him. Instead of him taking care of you, you're the one taking care of him. It's disgraceful."

"Everyone has their weak moments love. It's true he isn't as strong as you. But give him time. He may surprise us. Besides, he is taking care of me as a healer and that is exactly what I need right now." I let go of his tail and rubbed my belly. I grimaced as a strong kick hit my guts.

Winston crouched down at my expression. "Are you alright?" concern creased his eyebrows.

I reached out an took his hand, placing it on my belly where the antsy cub was boxing me. "I'm fine. Kit just wants to say hello."

Winston looked enchanted by the small movements.

I don't think I'd ever had such a perfect moment. In this life or the last. I had two mates that cared for me and the misunderstandings between us had been resolved. To top is all off, I would soon be meeting my first child. For the first time in a long time, I had real hope for the future.

Harvey moved in with us that night. It was decided we would continue to live in the hut until I gave birth. Then, we would move into Harvey's much larger one. Unlike this hut that was only one room, Harvey's had a bedroom, kitchen and drawing room. Up until Kit was born, the cats worked on fixing it up. They built a new short bird coop and smoke shack and they added a workshop for my soaps.

They took turns by my side, never leaving me alone. Harvey went to the hut in the mornings to do his work as a healer and clean, and Winston went in the evenings to build. Harvey took my health and comfort very seriously. I had a bit of spotting so, even though he told me all was well, he closely monitored me. He cooked a variety of nutritious meals, massaged my aching body and with his amazing sewing skills, made me a pregnancy pillow out of rabbit fur and buckwheat.

About a week later, in the middle of a rainy night, I finally went into labor.

Those females that had told me it wasn't go to be that bad, lied. I had been asleep in bed with a tiger on my right and a leopard on my left when my water broke. I woke up thinking I had just peed myself but Harvey knew immediately what was happening based off the smell. He confidently ordered Winston about like a general on a battlefield. Telling him to boil lots of water and have a pile of cotton and clean pelts at the ready. He even tied ropes from the rafters in case I needed to change positions and have something to hold on to.

While beastmen cubs are much smaller that human babies, the contractions are just as painful. The time between contractions gradually increased over the span of four hours. Harvey held my hand and walked me around the hut when I felt the need to move. When they increased to every few minutes, I could no longer leave the bed.

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