Lemon Tree

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Lance was right, it was a hot night.

Almost everyone was snug in their bedrolls, and many were snoring. I had my coat over us, and my snake had coiled around me so there wasn't too much pressure on any of my bones. On the largest branch, he had turned his tail into U-shape where we could both lounge on our sides, facing each other. Laying on my left side was the most comfortable when it came to morning sickness and acid reflux. I snuggled into his broad chest and traced a finger over the valleys and plains of his muscles.

I wasn't sleepy yet. And neither was my snake.

"Bailey." He whispered above my ear. "I need you."

It had been a while since we'd been intimate. Between having my estrus, getting kidnapped and fleeing the city, we just hadn't had enough time for privacy with any of my mates.

"It's only a couple more weeks. When we finally have a home again, I promise to make sure you forget what the word lonely means." I whispered back, trying to pacify him.

He groaned softly. "You sure know how to torture your males."

I laughed lightly into his chest, "Well it's not like we can do it here with everyone asleep down there."

Seeming genuinely confused, he said, "And why not? This tree is just about as private as most homes were in the city."

He had a point. In the city, many homes didn't even have doors. And it wasn't uncommon for couples to find a slightly secluded place outside when the mood struck. Some in our group had already done so during our migration. That was why you had to have other mates to create a defensive line, preventing unmated or young curious males from getting too close. That didn't mean that everyone couldn't hear what was happening anyway.

Despite such logic, I still wasn't energetic enough for such activity. "If you start bouncing me up and down on this tree, Lance, I swear I will puke on you." I threatened.

"Oh, sweet Bailey. Don't tell me you chose a snake for a mate without knowing the great benefits we come with? You can just sit back, relax and let me take care of you. There will be no bouncing, I promise." Lance's hands started to roam my hips, lifting my skirt and pulling at the knot that kept my panties up.

"Lance! What are you-" I whispered, embarrassed.

Then he kissed me. My mind went blank. His tongue did dangerous things to me. Tying cherry stems didn't even come close to what he could do. I melted into the kiss and didn't come back to my senses until he had pulled my leg over his hip and something soft and warm was touching my hollow.

The thing that brought me out of the trance didn't feel anything like a finger or his two staffs. Curious, I tried to look down, but it was too dark and all I could see was a flash of pink. Then Lance reclaimed my lips and just as he did, that soft and warm thing slid inside me. I moaned into his kiss.

His hips hadn't moved and neither did mine, but Lance's appendage did all the work for us. He molded himself to my shape and surged inside me, undulating, and oscillating until he filled every part of me. That's when I learned. A snake beastman's manhood was more flexible than a prehensile tail and could do a great many things.

It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. He knew all of my spots and attacked them without mercy. But he took it slow. Each warm caress was deliberate. Tingley sensations built up slowly throughout my entire body. It almost felt like my veins were filled with pop rock candies. The fizzing and buzzing of my blood slowly but steadily increased until like mentos in coke, I exploded.

I softly screamed my climax into his kiss and I could feel his lips smirk against mine. Then he did it all over again. And again.


Tristan cursed his impeccable hearing for the first time in his life. She was far up in the tree with her snake mate and couldn't see her, but he could hear every whisper and every moan that Bailey made. He had been the one to insist on sleeping below the tree in case she needed anything, but his good intentions were now biting him in the tail.

His penis was stiff and hard beneath the blankets and no matter what unsexy thoughts he mustered to try and get it to calm down, her moans would wash it all away. He even shifted his ears to look like ape's but it wasn't enough.

She wasn't his and probably never would be, but his mind kept conjuring images of her soft pale body against his hot dark skin. Her red hair fanned out behind her head as she lay beneath him. Her upturned pink lips slightly parted to let out one soft moan after another. And her amber eyes, dark and half-closed in ecstasy.

She climaxed. He heard it and his member stiffened further in response. He cursed and rolled over. They were done now. If he just ignored it, he'd be able to get some sleep. That's what he hoped for anyway. But his hopes were dashed as the soft moans filtered down from between the leaves once more.

In his head he apologized to the wolf youth for telling him he would get stronger, and it wouldn't be as bad when he got older. He'd lied. It was so bad and Tristan was not strong. Not this night. His hand wandered beneath the blanket and curled around his shaft. He moved it up and down slowly. One. Two. Three times he pumped and at her next moan, his body tensed and he climaxed.

He let out the breath he'd been holding and silently cursed himself again. He was almost certain one of her mates was going to kill him in the morning. But he just couldn't stand it. She was still up there being claimed and he was down here, still hard. It was going to be a very long night.

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