Chapter Thirty-nine

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When the Ape King, the other guards and Shuu realized I was still in the room, they approached me. Winston also came in when he hadn't seen me come out. I still hadn't moved from leaning against the back wall. The female who had been next to me had left her barely touched drink and I had commandeered it.

The Ape King was unsure as to why I hadn't left with the rest. "I apologize that you had to witness such a scene and hear such words. But I really do think it's best you go back to your den like the others. Shuu, escort them." He snapped at the wet wolf.

Winston came over to stand by me with a question mark on his face.

"You promised me seconds." I reminded the Ape King.

He frowned a little in annoyance but then sighed in resignation. "So I did. You may have another bowl but please be sure to leave before too long. Shuu stay with them and make sure they leave safely." The Ape King turned on his heel and left the room with the other guards.

Once they had all gone, I grinned. Now was my chance. I went over to the brew and poured three more bowls. One for Winston, one for Shuu and one for me. I hummed in pleasure as I took another swig.

"Hey Shuu, do you know how the Ape King makes this?"

Shuu, bewildered, had taken the bowl I offered but hadn't drunk any. Winston lapped at his and his nose wrinkled at the unpleasant taste.

"I don't know the process, but I can try and find out. I think he uses stone fruit and something else. I also know It takes almost the entire year to make." He answered as best he could, wanting to be helpful to the female who had helped him.

Stone fruit! No wonder it tasted like vodka. The other ingredient was probably something like cranberries, but the ratio was off making it taste too sour. I smacked my lips. If I could replicate it, I may even be able to make a disinfectant from it. I became excited at the idea and bounced on my toes a bit. The movement made me dizzy, and Winston's large hand steadied me. It's funny how you don't know you're drunk until you move around.

"Heehee. I think I probably drank too much. Hey Ssshuu, is there skomewhere I can shtroll for a bit? I'm feeling a bit woozy and shum fresh air would help."

Shuu looked nervous. His ears flicked to and fro as he thought of what to do.

"Wolf." Winston said gruffly, hurrying his decision along.

"Um. oh. Yes. There is a courtyard. Please follow me." Happy that he'd thought of somewhere close by, his tail wagged a bit as he set down his bowl and led us out of the room. He took us deeper into the castle. We passed by a few wolf guards but no one stopped the wolf prince who outranked them. He led us through one wooden door, down a short hallway until stopping at an open archway. He gestured for us to pass him and enter.

I was leaning on Winston quite heavily now but was still eyeing his untouched bowl he held in his other hand. Maybe one more couldn't hurt. When would I get another chance?

Winston noticed my gaze and held the bowl a little further away from me. I followed it like a dog follows a tennis ball. It was only when I felt the cold air on my skin that I brought my attention back to my surroundings.

We were in a central courtyard filled with flora covered in snow and a stone pathway that led around the circular space. In the center was an extremely tall, straight deciduous tree. The sound of a puzzle piece clicking into place echoed in my brain.

This was the upas tree.

The wolf standing just behind me was going to die from this tree. But there was something else.

I recognized this tree. We had one in our village. We used to hold festivals under its widespread branches. But a few years ago, the tree started to die. We weren't sure why. No one paid much attention as life and death are simply the way of things. And then people forgot the tree altogether as we stopped having festivals because the villagers started getting sick.

I stood frozen staring up at the tree. My stomach churned but not from the alcohol. Was this the reason? Were the rotting roots poisoning the soil and in turn poisoning them in such small amounts that it took days to die? 

Are you fucking kidding me?!

Without having moved my gaze from this deadly plant, I spoke to my mate. "Winston. I need fire. Now."

"Are you cold?" asked a worried Shuu.

Both Winston and I turned to look at the young would. "Now." I ordered again.

"I'll be right back. Please stay here." Not used to disobeying a female, he ran to do as ordered. I don't know where he got it from, but he came back with a burning torch. He handed it to Winston.

I turned to my mate with both hands open. "The fire and the nectar." I commanded. Winston hesitated. Both were dangerous in his eyes, and he didn't want anything happening to me, but I was not in the mood to explain. "Now."

With his eyebrows scrunched together, he handed me what I asked for. I then turned, splashed the tree with the alcohol and lit the fucker on fire.

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