Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen

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As prophesized by the Tiger Queen, the two peaks of Camel Hump mountain became one with the massive force of a volcanic explosion. Months ago when the Queen's word had caused a panic within the city, many had believed her and left. But those who remained loyal to the Ape King or those who were too old and infirm to travel, stayed behind. Billows of hot ash rose high into the air as the earth violently shook. The cloud descended upon the beasts and those close to the mountain died quickly. If one survived the breath of the Beast God's wrath, the lava that flowed from the gaping mountain tops like blood from a wound drowned them in agony.

As their homes were destroyed, males did everything they could to protect their mates, children and themselves. Those that survived were strong of body or had prepared for such a disaster despite their distrust of the Queen. The Ape King, being the former, used his powers to protect his mate as the smoke and lava flowed around them. As Qin watched the people flee, burn and cry in the chaos, resentment and hatred for her mate grew in her heart.

"You lied to me!" She screamed at the ape that held her tight with his one good arm. "You said nothing would happen! That what she said was all false!" She started to cry tears of fear and anger. Her silky blue hair became frizzy and wild in the dry heat. Her eyes turned red and her skin blotchy. "I trusted you despite your deformity. But you were wrong! Let me go! I'm going back!" She pushed at the ape who held her tight. Even with a missing hand, his mental powers were strong. Though she had found the stump disgustingly ugly, she had initially stayed beside her mate. But now she wanted nothing more than to return to the cool embrace of the ocean.

He refused to let her go. Every word she said was like a blow to the stomach but he could not let her go. She was his and only his and without him, she would die. The sound of wings was heard despite the chaos as three eagle beastmen landed close by. Seeking answers in this time of tragedy, they rushed to him. They were not the only ones. A small crowd had grown around the Ape King, seeking safety in the shelter his powers had created at the edge of their destroyed city.

Those that had once followed the Ape King now turned on him, demanding an explanation. How could this have happened? Was the Beast God truly punishing them? Had the Tiger Queen been right all along? What had they done to deserve this horrible fate? Had their king lied to them?

Though bombarded by anxious and enraged voices, the Ape King ignored them all. Because the questions they were asking him were the same ones he was asking himself. Only the determination to keep Qin safe and with him showed on his face.

"Let me go!" She raged and when he refused to comply, her anger drove away all rationality. With one sharp nail, she sliced through the skin of her chest. Anger made her stronger as the nail tore a wound through the Ape King's mark. It bled lightly, covering the mark in red as the image of a once strong ape began to fade.

The Ape King screamed in agony as pain ripped through his own chest as though his heart had been ripped from it. He lost his grip on Qin and she squirmed away from him. She ran to the eagles, demanding they take her home to the ocean. They looked at the king with uncertainty in their eyes but eventually complied with the demands of the beautiful female, scooping her up in their talons. And without a single glance back at her once mate who was barely holding on to consciousness, she left.

Through a pain fill haze, he watched as the female he loved turned her back on him. Tears flowed freely from the eyes that had been dry since birth and he pleadingly screamed her name. "Qin! No! Don't leave me!" He screamed those words as he watched her figure grow smaller until she could no longer be seen beyond the smoky horizon. He screamed those words until his voice became nothing more than a gravelly whisper and eventually, pain and exhaustion claimed the once noble ape. He collapsed into a ragged heap of pathetic flesh and all who had watched, finally turned their backs. Though some had wanted revenge, that feeling faded as his fate was worse than death. He was no longer King. He was no longer anything more than rootless. And for the rest of his days, he would remain as such, cursed to wander the continent as an empty shell.

On the backs of eagles, Qin traveled for days. Her skin healed quickly but the mark of the ape would never return to its place on her chest. She didn't regret it. She had cared for the ape and the warmth he provided her but he had become nothing more than a disfigured deceiver in her heart. He deserved this and she would return to her place in the water with all her memories of him nothing more than reminders of the arrogance of males.

It took ten days to reach the familiar scenery of the valley that lead to the edge of the continent. Though the eagles had tried to appeal to her and woe her, she was unaffected. Her desire for land beasts had faded. Though she had once sought to escape the cold waters of her birthplace, she had only fallen into yet another prison of warm stone. Whether it was ocean or land, neither felt like freedom. If she was to be a prisoner either way, she would choose the familiarity of her tribe. The closer they got, the calmer her heart became. Even though it would be stifling, she would be safe.

But then something caught her eye. A large patch of dark, rich earth showed like a birthmark in the forest. Curious, she scanned the land below and soon saw a lake surrounded by unique buildings she had never seen before. It was a village and she couldn't smother the curiosity that burned within her. Maybe one last detour wouldn't hurt.

With excuses of fatigue and hunger, she urged the eagles towards the village. Though their own home in the cliffs wasn't far, they still wished to woe this beautiful female. So, they followed her every instruction and flew closer to the lake. As the details of the unique buildings became visible, they were intercepted by a flock of peacocks. The colorful birds notified that group that direct entry to the village was not allowed and all visitors must pass through a checkpoint. The peacocks demanded the eagles to follow them and though many eyed the blue haired beauty, they would not risk the wrath of the kings to break the rules for her.

As the eagles followed the peacocks to a dirt path outside of the village framed by a stone archway made of three long and wide boulders, Qin saw someone she recognized. A certain black wolf with blue eyes and an expressionless face awaited them. A wolf that had always been by the Ape King's side and a wolf that abandoned his duties to be mated to a fox female. The very female that had cursed the City of Beasts. If this wolf was here then so was his female and Qin's realization grew to anger as she steeled herself to confront the one she considered the epitome of her bad luck. 

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