Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-two

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The funeral pyre burned bright and those who knew Patrick watched the smoke rise as though watching his soul ascend. The light flickered across pained expressions, causing the lines on our faces to look harsher and aging all of us by decades. We chose to burn the bodies of the dead as burying them could contaminate the narrow valley's water supply. Patrick's funeral pyre was built on the shores of the lake; while the feral beasts were burned to ash in a clearing where the plants had not yet regrown from the forest fire. The three merfolk stood just outside the light's reach appearing awkward and uncertain. They didn't know Patrick. But they knew better than to interrupt the quiet recollections of those who did.

When the fire became lower and its light began to dim, beasts started heading back to their dens but I remained. My thoughts were a mire of questions. After I had settled the females in the courthouse, I tried conversing with them. I wanted to know what their names and villages were so we could send word of their rescue. Many of the females were still too broken to say much but the blond had told me her name. Becky the tiger. 

The moment I heard her name, I wondered what kind of cursed fate this world was headed towards and if there was any way to get off the predetermined path. Shuu, though I had saved him once, had almost died again today. And Becky who had been rescued by Bai in the novel was now in my village. Was the plot trying to correct the changes I had made? Or was it simply the nature of beasts that led to predictable events?

"What has you thinking so hard to make you look like you're eating a lemon?" Lance said from behind me as he reached around to cup my forehead in his palm, smoothing my brows and pulling my head to rest against his chest.

Here was one beast whose fate was not mine to know. He was not written into the creator's plot and just his unpredictable presence was enough to calm my nervous heart.

I leaned back against him and let my eyes beneath his hand close. "It's nothing." I said to my mate who knew I was lying but wouldn't press.

"...I see," he said, resting his chin on my head. "That's fine. You can tell me later. In the meantime, what do you want us to do with the fish?"

I had nearly forgotten the mers in the wake of my existential crisis. But they didn't need me. Their king, the peacock tribe heir, and my kings were already discussing how our three villages could work together for future harmony. Qin, while rubbing Baek and Tora's tummies, insisted on being able to frequently visit. Jin looked conflicted but Winston was agreeable so long as the mers could also provide portions of salt for every visit. Tristan made sure to offer meat for her return trips. Alva, with hearts in his eyes was volunteering to become a flying taxi between us so the female wouldn't have to walk or swim. Not only was it faster, but safer too. In exchange, they would be allowed access to some of the more remote islands in the mer territory and their unique fruits. In the future, with the frequent visits and interactions between us, the male mers who knew they didn't have a chance in hell with Qin, would have more chances to meet females outside their tribe. Qin would get what she wanted, more freedom, the warmth of furry cubs, sunlight, and good food. And Jin would get what he wanted. Qin. It was a win-win for everyone.

It seemed like everything was going to work out just fine. I knew non-mer females could reproduce with mer males, though I didn't know if non-male mers could reproduce with mer females since Qin had never had cubs with the ape king. A little concerned for the enamored Alva, I snuck a glance his way only to see a blue-haired mer staring at me. Curious as to why, I raised an eyebrow at him. His pale skin turned a pretty shade of pink and he quickly turned his head away.

"Fish stink." A deep voice whispered in my ear. "Are you going to let them come and go as they please?"

I shrugged. "Is there a reason I shouldn't? We need the salt. And I see no harm in letting Qin visit. She's gone from one cage to another her whole life. It will be good for her to experience a little freedom."

"Too crowded." He grumbled.

"You just don't want to share the lake," I giggled.

". . ."

His silence was answer enough. My snake had been a solitary creature before I'd met him and now, not only does he have to share a mate, but a lake as well. I turned around and buried my face in his chest in a reassuring hug. Maybe it wasn't that Lance liked to travel, maybe he just got overwhelmed sometimes and needed time to himself. I hadn't pried into his past much. I only knew what Winston had told me about his fight with St. Zachary and how they had known each other. Lance, Lancel, had lived hundreds of years. I didn't know what scars he carried. Maybe meeting new people and knowing he would likely outlive them weighed on him in a way the memories of my past life and loved ones weighed on me.

I hugged him tighter and his own arms wrapped around my back in response. "Fine. If you like it that much, I guess they can visit. But they aren't allowed near the cubs."

...Or maybe he just didn't want the cubs thinking bubble rides were more fun than snake boats.

I blew a raspberry on his bare chest.

"Ah!" He said in surprise and reached under my arms to lift me up. "You little minx!"

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You better put that back behind your teeth if you don't want me to bite it." He warned jokingly.

"Prrrrrrrbt" I blew my tongue at him.

"You asked for it," he said as he wrapped my body up in his tail, held my arms above my head and started tickling me.

I squealed at the assault and giggled so much I almost peed myself. The few cubs still awake, including kit ran up to Lance and jumped around him begging to be next.

The heavy expressions illuminated by the fire watching the scene lightened and a few spectators chuckled. Though we had lost one of our own, thanks to him our village was safe and so they turned back to the rising smoke and saw Patrick off with a smile and the promise of laughter for years to come. 

***Hi y'all! I wanted to let you know my book Ghostpherein: A Shifting of Lives is now available for pre-order for ebook. Paperback and hardbound will be available on Valentine's day. I have also hired some narrators to turn it into an audiobook for Audible in the coming months.  (Editing, formatting, listening to auditions, editing again, having panic attacks over typos too late to fix, are all reasons my chaps have been coming late. FORGIVE ME!) Check it out on my website

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