Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

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I woke to someone placing something hard and cold in my mouth. Something that melted as soon as it touched my tongue. It must have been a crystal of some kind. It gave me the strength to open my eyes and when I did, I found myself cradled like a child in Lance's arms and bundled in plush furs. Everything hurt, but I felt clean and warm.

I could hear the sound of soft mewling and turned my head to see Winston nearby in tiger form vigorously giving Baek and Tora a tongue bath. The cubs still had their eyes closed and they seemed indignant at their father's handling. The sight made me smile.

Lance, noticing I'd regained consciousness said, "Welcome back to the land of the living. How are you feeling?"

"Mmm." I groaned a little, "I'm alright. Sore, but alive." I joked.

"And for that, I am grateful. You are far braver than I am." Lance kissed my head and held me closer. "Let's not do that again any time soon. I don't think my heart could handle it. I love you too much."

Warmed by his words, I leaned my head against his chest. My relationship with Lance was so uncomplicated, that replying to his confession was easier than breathing. "I love you too. Thank you for helping me through it. And for the crystal." I took a minute to enjoy the feeling of being pampered by him before my brain fully woke up and I could no longer hold back my questions. "How long was I out?"

He leaned back comfortably, "About half a day. The cubs were able to fill their bellies while you were sleeping."

I bobbed my head in understanding, "Ohhh. Makes sense. I thought they seemed far too energetic for having just been born." At that, Baek, who looked like a carbon copy of his father, let out a squeaky yawn and laid his wobbly head on his papa's right paw as though he couldn't be bothered to stay awake a moment longer. Tora, who had a slightly orange tint to his stripes, was trying to blindly run away from Winston's tongue with his tiny, unbalanced legs. Winston used his left paw to sweep the rascal back towards him. I giggled a little and Winston looked at me, chuffing happily.

"Where is everyone else?" It was just my two mates, the kittens and myself in the large bedroom.

Lance twirled a lock of my hair with his index finger, "Shuu took Kit hunting so you could have something fresh when you woke. They should be back soon. Harvey is checking on the other wounded. There were no casualties. Muir and Tristan's wounds were severe but Oliver did a decent job of patching them up." The tone in his voice expressed how impressed he was with the young wolf.

The news that everyone was still alive and kicking relaxed the last bit of tension I didn't know I had. At the thought of food my stomach let out a loud complaint for being currently empty. I was famished and eating before going back to sleep seemed like a perfect plan.

Lance derailed my appetite train, "Speaking of the fox, when are you going to make him your mate?"

Winston let out a soft displeased growl but Lance ignored him.

"What?!" That comment had me looking up at Lance in bewilderment.

Lance flicked me on the forehead. "Don't play dumb, Bailey. Only the kittens wouldn't notice the way you watch him, and they're blind. The rest of us have figured it to be an eventuality. He's a capable male. He's also put himself in harms way more than once for you and yours. I think he's proved himself. Don't you?"

I looked down and bit chewed my lip before relying, "...I hadn't planned on adding anyone so soon. After all, it's only been a year since I mated Winston, and Shuu has only been my mate for a few months. Don't you think it's too fast?"

He looked confused by my question, "What does that matter? We live in a world where any one of us could lose our lives tomorrow. Why are you wasting time worrying about things like that? The more males you have, the safer you will be. The safer you are, the less anxious your mates will be."

As usual, the level-headed Lance didn't let emotion color the facts. He wasn't wrong. It was actually fairly common for females to take on three or four males at the same time once they came of age. It was also normal for them to grow their families quickly in order to secure a stable life, independent from their mother's family. But those females didn't have three kings, a healer and a soldier prince in their harem. I felt incredibly stable as is and had no urge to add more simply for practicality's sake. But to his other point, Tristan had risked life and limb for Kit and me. I was already planning on rewarding him somehow, but I wasn't sure with what. The man hadn't asked for a toothpick, let alone rights to court me. He had shown dedication, yes, but he hadn't outwardly shown any desire for me. So, the idea of taking him as a mate never crossed my mind. Of course, I drooled over him like the exceptional piece of eye candy he was, but I never let my imagination go too far.

I groaned at the complicated issue Lance had placed on my weary head. It wasn't a question I could answer right this second. "... I'll think about it."

He shrugged, "Well, the decision is yours. Whether as a mate or a pet, he's your beast either way. If continually torturing him makes you happy then I'm sure he wont complain."

I frowned. I didn't like the way he phrased that. Like I was Tristan's owner no matter what; as if the man didn't have a will of his own. And how exactly was I torturing him? I worked hard at being a fair and generous Queen and I thought I wasn't doing too bad. Wasn't I? But I let the conversation drop. Thinking was not on my to do list for today and the smell of roasted meat was making its way through the window. Shuu and Kit must already be back and started on dinner.

Thirty minutes later, my guess was proven right. Shuu came upstairs with a flat stone tray filled with cuts of juicy pork and roasted mushrooms. Kit carried a bamboo canteen of cold raspberry juice around his neck and Harvey who came home right on time added some rare wild pineapple. The smell of the seasoned feast had me salivating like Pavlov's dog.

I stuffed myself to the brim. Once I was full, Winston handed me the cubs for their turn at an abundant meal and then the three of us promptly fell into a food coma under the watchful gaze of big brother Kit.

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