Chapter Sixty-four

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We spent the next couple days cleaning the castle and the clinic. It didn't matter what titles they had, beasts were still beasts. All furs, pelts and leathers were cleaned and dried. The hot spring was skimmed and all debris removed from the water. Using pine needles, lemon and orange peels boiled in water, we scrubbed down every inch of the castle. I wished I had vinegar but I was still struggling to make alcohol. So, when the Ape King came to collect on our deal, I planned to remind him of what else I was owed.

"Queen Bailey," interrupted one of the guards as I was stocking the hot spring with soaps and essential oils. I wanted to make a separate washing area so bodies would be clean before and after they jumped in the spring to soak. The last thing I wanted was to pollute the naturally filtered water. "The Ape King is waiting for you in the throne room. He asked to meet with you."

"Fine." I said as I dusted my hands off on the leather apron Lance had made me. Up the cavern tunnel into the basement and then up the stairs to the throne room we went. Just the guard and me.

Harvey and Olly were working, Winston was seeing to the defenses of the castle and allocating homes to the new residents, Lance was keeping Kit busy by making him sweep the upper ceiling corners with his tail and chasing spiders. And Shuu was training most of the new castle guards in efficient ways of making rounds and trading shifts. The guard that had come to get me was one of the tri-marked males. He knew Winston from the many caravans they took together to get salt and was trusted by my mate. So, the guard, Carl, was tasked with being my shadow.

He opened the single wooden door to the side of the throne room for my grand entrance. I walked in and sat on the smaller but more ergonomically carved throne before addressing the Ape King.

"Welcome Ape King. Do I call you Ape King or do the other kings call you by another name?"

"Wilbert. You may call me Wilbert. And you? Shall I call you Tiger Queen even though you are a fox?"

"Just Bailey is fine, Wilbert. I assume you've come here for what is due?"

"Indeed. My mate waits not so patiently for the item you promised."

"Very well. I have it here." I dug into the pocket of my apron and pulled out the tiny emerald. I had expected his visit and had kept the gem on my person since the day we arrived at the castle. Wilbert's face lit up with eagerness to get his hands on it. I held it aloft but moved my hand as he reached for it. "You are forgetting one thing Wilbert."

He looked upset that I had pulled such a trick but confused as to my meaning. "Was there another debt between us?"

"Exactly. Remember the deadly tree I removed for you? I'm sure by now you know that everything I'd said at that time was the truth. I was to be rewarded for saving this city from its dangerous possibilities and repeating my village's fate." I looked at my fingernails as though bored before lifting only my eyes, "You have yet to deliver."

Wilbert placed his hands behind his back and stood straighter. I could see the muscles in his arms tense. Contrary to the depiction of him in the comic, Wilbert's arms were corded with toned muscle, "What is it you want?"

I too fixed my posture and crossed my legs, "I want your cold season nectar recipe."

He pursed his lips in displeasure. That recipe was something he used to garner a positive reputation amongst the females. Giving it away would create competition. But I wanted it. Needed it. For medicinal purposes; or at least that's what I told myself.

Wilbert was quiet. It would seem he wasn't willing to give his recipe to me easily. So, I sweetened the pot. "How about this. You give me the nectar recipe as a reward for removing the tree and I'll give you my cleansing bar recipe as a show of friendship. Deal?"

One of his bushy, black eyebrows shot up in curiosity, "Cleansing bar?"

"It's similar bubble root but can clean and soften a female's skin if they mix it with water and bathe with it. It also comes in different scents. I'm sure your female and the females of the city will come to like it. It also helps prevent illness if used regularly."

I was sure Wilbert had noticed my lack of rancid body odor the many times we met before and connected the dots. Unlike most females, I did not have a body odor of ammonia or fish, nor was my hair clumped and snarled with grease. Our hygiene was one of the many reasons Bai and I were considered so desirable. 

On the thought of hygiene, My teeth had also gotten much better with the spiky fruit and I pondered for a moment why more females didn't use it. Was it hard to acquire and Winston was just that attentive to my needs? Probably.

I didn't mind giving the Ape King the recipe for my soap. I wanted it to be readily available as it would benefit the whole city if it became common practice to wash regularly. My olfactory senses would thank me.

He pondered for a bit and I think it was the prevention of illness that finally led him to a decision.

"Very well. Shall we exchange recipes now or later?" He was testing me to see if I was going to back out on the deal should I ask for more time.

I stood up and walked down the thrones' platform until I was standing in front of Wilbert with the fingernail sized emerald in my hand. Handing it to him, I said, "Seek my healer mate on your way out. He will tell you the recipe in exchange for yours."

With undisguised eagerness, he took the emerald and clenched it tightly in his palm. He nodded his head both in acknowledgment and farewell then turned to leave. But just as he reach the door, he turned back to me. "I almost forgot. The Wolf King is becoming anxious. He asked me to tell you he hopes the connection of your two clans can be completed soon."

I smirked. "Thank you for the reminder, Wilbert. I hope you have a pleasant rest of your day."

With the obvious dismissal, the Ape King took his leave and the smirk I had faded from my face. It was getting easier to fake bravado in front of these power hungry males but when I thought about Shuu and how I had basically decided his future for him, I bit my lip in anxiety. This knot would need to be tied but I still felt as though I was forcing the issue. I had been delaying it and it would seem the Wolf King would not tolerate any further procrastination. 

Tonight, I would need to ask the Wolf Prince some very personal questions and once again ask my mates for their forgiveness. I kept failing to ask their thoughts first before jumping headlong into what I felt was best at the time.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair before returning to the hot spring, Carl following silently behind.

*Wanted to get this published but for the life of me could not find the Ape King's name. Finally I found it. EDWIN with be changed to WILBERT.

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