Chapter Fifty+

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Winston flat out ignored my order and stayed at my side. He'd been there since just after Curtis was subdued by Lance. Now, my tiger was nudging me. We had done what we had come here for, and instead of chasing Rosa off, he didn't want me staying around for any aftermath.

I placed a hand on his muscled shoulder. I wanted to go too but I had to be sure. I walked over to the two injured cubs. Winston and Lance in my shadow. "How are they?" I asked Harvey.

He looked at me with a small reassuring smile but before he could give me his diagnosis, Rosa interrupted.

"Why do you care? They aren't yours. Mind your own business." Shot Rosa.

Bart was back at her side, and his wolf features looked more concerned over the cubs than their mother did.

"Who else will care since their parents don't?" I glared just as many daggers at Rosa as she had. "They're just cubs who were injured fulfilling someone else's petty revenge."

"How dare you!" She raised a hand to strike me, but I was faster.


I backhanded her and sent her stumbling. For the second time tonight, her males were too stunned to react right away. When they finally registered what had happened, they circled her protectively and growled. None attacked though. I was female and It wasn't my power they were scared of, but Lance's and Winston's. I was ok with that if it kept them where they were.

"Of course I dare. I warned you Rosa. You didn't listen and now cubs are injured. CUBS! Do you understand! If anyone deserves to be sold, it's you! You are a parent. Grow up!"

Bart, in addition to his mate's swelling cheek, took my words personal and became defensive. He growled and snapped at me despite being too far away to actually bite. A responding growl from my left made me look over to the space I had thought was empty. Winston was on my right. Lance was towering behind me. And Shuu stood flanking my left.

My left eyebrow rose. He hadn't gone to Bai's side, instead choosing to follow Bart's retreat and remain at mine.

Winston added his own extremely intimidating growl to the mix and all five of Rosa's mates pinned their ears back in submission. I couldn't call them cowards. I could tell by his voice; my kitty was done with everyone's shit. Even mine.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He noticed and huffed unhappily. I could take a hint.

"Harvey. Lance. My amazing mates. I'm tired. I'm going home. Could you please make sure Rosa and her mates get home safely? And if the cubs need care, please bring them to the clinic. Bart can pick them up when they're better." Shuu wasn't my mate but seeing as he was by my side meant he'd support me right? "Shuu, can you help Harvey with the cubs? Oliver has Kit and they are probably asleep. Harvey could use an assistant for tonight."

Harvey gave me a comprehending smile and the other two simply nodded.

Rosa was holding her cheek and crying. Her mates were trying to comfort her. Bart seemed unsure of what to do. I ignored it all. Trusting in the males to do what needed doing, I asked Winston for a ride with my eyes. He didn't immediately oblige. With his chin held high and another huff, he finally lowered so I could get on.

Without a backward glance, we headed home. At least, I thought we were.


Hello everyone!

Can you believe we made it to chapter 50!? It is all thanks to you and your support. Seriously!

Did you enjoy the cider? (Korean reference for a refreshing scene)

More lemons, cider and conflict to come. Stay tuned!

With love,


P.S. Ducky (Olly) is four weeks old and has started losing her baby fluff.

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