Chapter Fifty-six

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Just like the day they distributed the special nectar; the wolves and apes were allowing females and their mates to enter the Ape King's castle. The great stone castle had a wall much shorter than the one that surrounded the city, but no less defended. When we arrived, I could see Bai on Parker entering just behind another female and her female cub.

Winston shifted to hold me in the crook of one elbow. We were led inside past the foyer with its oculus, into a large auditorium style room decorated with various skins and pelts hung on the walls. On the far end was a stage where the Ape King waited to address the crowd. Below the stage was a long wood table manned by four males from the ape clan. They each had a large leather bag of seeds behind them, getting them ready for distribution with extra smaller empty sacks laying in a pile on the table beside them.

It was crowded with three hundred well-endowed women and their multiple bodybuilder mates, but not to the point of bumping shoulders. When all who were expected had arrived, one of the wolves howled for silence.

The Ape King stood in the center of the stage and began his spiel. "Welcome! All females will be given one sack of rice for planting. For those females who gave birth this past year, you will be given an additional sack of wild grains. After you have received your sack, for those males who have never planted seeds before, please come to the room next door where one of my clan members will instruct you on the best methods of planting. During the instruction, females and their additional males may wait here. You may also visit the courtyard if you wish, but please do not roam the castle on your own." He paused to ensure his words had been digested and scanned the crowd. I didn't remember him giving such a speech in the novel but I guess he didn't appreciate the last time I decided to 'roam' and didn't want another accident to happen. "Females please line up with the male who will be receiving your seeds. I wish you good luck with your cultivation."

When he finished the respectful silence in the room gave way to the din of nearly a thousand people. The wolf clan soldiers started to herd the crowd into four lines and the four apes at the long table began distributing the seeds. It was a process that was bound to take nearly all day. At my direction, Winston brought us to the back of the room. I had something to do before I collected our bounty. On our way, I noticed Bai looking around and when she spotted me, she looked like she wanted to wave but then remembered our last encounter and her smile faltered. Giving me a slightly embarrassed face, she lowered her head in a shallow bow in greeting.

I wondered what was going through her head. On the one hand, while I don't think Curtis was trying to kill me specifically, his disregard for his surroundings nearly had me crushed beneath his scales. For that, she should fear my reaction. On the other hand, we had arrived at her home unannounced and inserted ourselves into her business which led to Curtis being thrown and damaging her residence. For that, she should hate me. But by the look in her eyes, it was neither of those. Not fear nor hate, but something else...helplessness maybe?

When I continued to stare at her, ignoring her greeting, she looked away and her gaze fell depressingly downward. Parker, confused at her sudden shift in mood looked around for what had upset her and when he saw us, he bared his teeth in a soundless growl. Unlike Qingqing, his thoughts were easy to read. I gave him my most unimpressed deadpan gaze before turning away. I didn't have time for this. I looked for the nearest Wolf King or Ape King lackey. We approached the bored looking senior wolf.

In a low voice I said, "You there. I have a message for the Ape King."

The wolf didn't even look up from inspecting his claws as he replied, "As you can see, he is busy right now."

Winston, rightfully bothered by the blatant disrespect, allowed his beast pressure to creep up the wolf's back, causing him to break out in a cold sweat. The wolf finally looked up with the whites of his eyes showing his fear.

Even more quietly I said, "He will make time for me when he hears what I have to say and you are going to deliver that message for me."

He stood at attention, arms at his side and barked, "Yes!"

I flinched at how loud that 'yes' had been, "Tell him Bailey seeks audience to discuss the mer tribes and a missing female."

The wolf took off the second I finished speaking, all too eager to get away from the vicious looking tetra marked tiger.

We hadn't even been waiting five minutes before the old wolf came back, "The king has accepted your request. Follow me."

Winston was slow to follow but I wasn't worried. The Ape King would put off any plans he had made for this day. My words were something he would be desperate to hear. He would need to know how much I knew and who else might know before getting rid of me was an option. It was the perfect bait to catch his attention. Now all I had to do was get him to bite and reel him in.

The old wolf lead us back out through the large auditorium's double doors and around to the side of it, down a narrow, windowless hallway until we reached a set of stairs leading up to the second level of the castle. We walked down another hallway and into one of the many rooms along it. The room was small, only about ten feet by ten feet with two wooden sofas carved from the trunks of trees and a granite stone table between them. More pelts adorned the floor and walls and a fireplace on the far end made the room feel cozy instead of claustrophobic. Only a single square window allowed natural light and the cool air to filter in.

There were no refreshments but the room was private and would be perfect for the conversation ahead. Once shown into the room, the wolf left. Winston sat me down on one of the sofas before standing behind me like the most intimidating personal bodyguard my old world had ever seen.

 I replayed the words I wanted to say in my head. My hands felt sweaty from nervousness and I had to take a few calming breaths. Winston placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him with gratitude. Though I needed to be the one leading this conversation, I would be relying on my mates more heavily in the near future if all went according to plan. I never would have even considered what I am now if it weren't for their show of strength at Bai's house.

My mates would never lose. I needed to hold that thought in my heart if we were truly going to win.

The cool, calculating voice of the Ape King filled the small space as he let himself in the single, narrow door, "You wished to meet with me?"

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