Chapter Fifteen

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I had made it home and was just finishing preparing a fruit salad for dinner when Winston came rushing through the hut's door. With a wooden spoon dripping honey still in my hand, he swept me up off my feet into a bear hug.

"Eeek! Winston! What's are you doing?! Put me down before I get honey all over you!" I squealed.

He slowly put me down but didn't release me. His forehead rested on my shoulder, hiding his face from me.

"What's all this about? You're acting like you didn't see me just this morning." I stretched to put the spoon down on the shelf that held the honey jar before hugging his muscular back.

"You didn't tell him." He said softly into my neck.

I knew what he was talking about. Winston always picked me up from Harvey's around this time and today was no different. He would have spoken with Harvey and seen Parker and Bai there. I wasn't sure what they'd said to each other, but I could make a guess.

I patted his back a couple times. "No, I didn't ask him. There was no need to. Harvey already has feelings for Qingqing."

He hugged me tighter. "He doesn't deserve you anyway."

"Hmmm. I don't know about that. Harvey is a decent male. But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm fine. Now let me go so I can finish making the side dishes for dinner."

He finally raised his head to look at me. "You're not upset?"

I shrugged. "I'm definitely not happy, but there's nothing I can do about it. So, let's stop talking about it. Okay?"

Winston didn't seem like he wanted to drop it. "Why did you go home by yourself? Why didn't you wait for me?"

I sighed. "Qingqing, Parker and possibly Curtis will be coming over soon and since this is their place, we need to show them we've been taking care of it. They came all this way, so they'll probably expect a meal and to stay the night."

"You should have waited. What if something had happened to you?" My tiger husband scolded me like a child.

"It's not that far from Harvey's to our hut. And besides, I have your mark. I can always use your strength if the need arises." The fact was, something had happened. But since Muir had stepped in before things got too dangerous and I had walked away with only a couple bruises, I didn't feel like it was worth mentioning. I was more embarrassed that my own temper was what caused things to escalate the way they did.

"I don't like you being alone. You need another mate. Just not Harvey." He said, determinedly.

I agreed with him. "I will start looking more seriously. But for now, can you get started on the meat for dinner please?"

He didn't look entirely satisfied but did what I asked anyway. While he went to prepare cuts from the meat in the smokehouse, I finished the fruit salad. About thirty minutes later, a knock at the door signaled Qingqing's arrival.

I opened the door and greeted her as though nothing was out of the ordinary. "Qingqing, come on in. How did your checkup go?" Parker and Curtis were standing just up the path. Both looked irritable.

"Hey Bailey." She didn't move to come inside, instead looked behind me nervously. "Your mate isn't around is he?"

The question threw me off. "Winston? He's just in the bedroom. Why?"

"I need to talk to you, alone." She reached for my hand and gently pulled, indicating for me to go outside.

I was curious as to why she was so agitated. It wasn't like anything we said wouldn't be heard by any beastman within a quarter of a mile, but I humored her and shut the door behind me. "What's the matter? Was something wrong with your checkup?"

She quickly shook her head. "No, nothing like that. Harvey said I'm healthy. It's just...well...Winston and Parker got into a fight."

"What do you mean?" That didn't sound like Winston. Unless Parker instigated it.

She continued to look around nervously. "When Winston showed up at Harvey's and you weren't there, he got really mad and when Parker tried to protect me, Winston hurt him."

Now I was certain Parker had instigated it. Winston would never assault someone weaker than him. Especially not a female. A two striped beastman is nothing more than an annoyance to a tetra marked one. The only reason Winston would have done anything to the leopard prince was if that idiot had attacked him first.

"Was he hurt badly?" I asked, feigning concern. Parker didn't look hurt and he got smacked around by Curtis all the time. I was sure he'd be fine.

She shook her head. "No. But he's upset and wants you to leave the hut. I tried to convince him to let you stay, but..." She hung her head, looking defeated.

I took a second to swallow the irritation that had bubbled up. Qingqing was lying through her teeth. This conversation wouldn't even have happened had she genuinely tried to stick up for me. Males, especially hers, would bend over backwards to do what their mate asked but she always tried to get out of any responsibility by blaming it on 'crude' beastman behavior.

It's not like I was attached to the hut, but the timing was absolute shit. "I see. I understand. We'll look for our own place. But Qingqing, can we stay until my cub is born at least? I'm due in a couple weeks."

"Oh! Oh my gosh! I didn't realize! Of course! Don't worry. I'll convince Parker somehow." She clasped both my hands in hers, acting like we were besties or something. I resisted the urge to smack her hands away. "Congratulations by the way!" She smiled widely like she hadn't just given me an eviction notice.

Oh, I really didn't want her to stay around even a second longer, but I once again had to pick my battles. While Curtis was also a tetra marked beastman, he was a bit stronger than Winston and a whole lot more volatile. I was grateful that Winston was nothing like the snake. If he was, this conversation would have ended with a lot less talking and lot more blood. I'm sure my mate was inside seething but respected me enough not to interrupt.

It was time. I had to do it. Had to invite her in. "Thank you. Since that's all settled, will you be staying here tonight?"

Her demeaner turned nervous again. "No, that's ok. We're going to stay at Harvey's because it's bigger and leave early tomorrow."

Hallelujah! Winston must really scare the crap out of her. Good man.

"Oh. That makes sense. Did you want to stay for dinner at least?" I tried really hard to sound disappointed.

She shook her head quickly. "I appreciate the offer but no. I'm a bit tired from the trip here so I'll be going now."

"I understand. You need to take care of yourself. Pregnancy really takes a toll on the body." Those words I was able to say with sincerity. "Be careful going back."

"Thanks. You too. Take care of yourself." She smiled, turned and headed back to Parker and Curtis who still looked like they had nettles up their asses. She turned and waved and when I couldn't see them any longer, I went back inside.

I was right about Winston seething. He looked just as ticked at the situation as Parker had. But I was exhausted and didn't want to think about Harvey, Qingqing, or her mates any more today.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow?" I asked him.

The fatigue must've been clear on my face because instead of protesting, he simply came over to me, picked me up, sat down next to the fire with me in his lap, and started hand feeding me the dinner we'd prepared. The rest of the night went by in comfortable silence.

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