'it's like i'm dating a child'

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𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩-
𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱, 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴

word count - 991

jenna has been off filming the second season of wednesday in romania, leaving you, in your shared apartment in la. you enjoyed your time alone, but recently the luggage of missing jenna was starting to weigh on you. luckily your friends have never allowed you to sulk in your pity.

"no y/n, it's the dinosaur or the alien" your friend, ava, held up two inflatable suits. ava had short black hair, she was one of those stereotypical masculine lesbians.

she had suggested you and your friends film stupid tiktoks in halloween costumes. it was an obvious yes. though she had just shut down your idea of being the clown from it. "who are you? preppy claws?"

you laughed at her words, your eyes were now darting between the alien and the dinosaur costume. if you picked the alien, you could make kidnapping jokes... and the dinosaur was just plain stupid.

...so you chose the dinosaur.

you purchased two dinosaur outfits, rushing out of the target to ava's car. the sun was setting as the two of you made a b-line for santa monica to meet with your other friend, allison. the two of you made it just in time to get a few videos with the sunset.

"no then you roll your arms down before you go up" you demonstrated the move for your friend who was having a bit of trouble. after multiple takes she still couldn't get the moves correct. "oh my god ava no-" you started laughing again.

"no wait i get it... it's like that right?" your other friend, allison interjected also doing it wrong.

they were right, this was an amazing way to get your mind off of jenna. you had filmed tiktok, after tiktok and even got some food from perry's cafe. a surf food shop by the sand. as you, allison, and ava sat in the trunk of ava's car drinking smoothies and watching the fresh night sky, you got a text.

jen 💗

hey baby

i miss you

i miss you too
wyd right now

im at santa monica w ava
u just wake up?

i've been up

jit's like 6 am there
did u sleep at all??

"is that jenna?" ava asked you, taking another sip of her smoothie. you nodded, a look of concern growing on your face. "what's with the look? aren't you happy to hear from her?"

"of course, i'm happy to hear from her, but it's six in the morning in romania and she said she's been awake- ava if she's not sleeping because of this show i might go to romania myself and-"

"y/n!" allison snapped you out of the mini spiral you put yourself in. a cheeky smile grew on her face. "i'm sure there's a logical explanation for her being awake" she reassured you, leaning back into her seat.

but you were nervous. even when jenna was home always took some reminding to take care of herself, her sleep schedule falling out of wack was not out of character for her. when you saw her contact name reappear on your screen in the form of a call, your heart skipped a beat. you sat up again answering immediately.

"jenna?" you answered.

"hi love," her voice was laced with comfort and warmth, it had been far too long since you last heard it.

"jenna did you sleep at all? it's way too early for you to be awake right now-" your eyes were filled with concern as you removed yourself from the trunk of the car, walking around in front of it. ava and allison were watching you pace back and forth, smoothies in hand.

"i did sleep i promise, a lot on the plane i-"

"woah the plane? what plane? what do you mean- jenna where are you right now?" you stopped, facing north. your face dropped, how could you not know where your girlfriend was? and why didn't she tell you about the flight? where even was it?

"i'm right here love, turn around" her voice was less heard from the speaker and more from right behind you?

you whipped your head around to be greeted by her. jenna, your girlfriend whom you haven't seen in months. you grabbed her by the waist practically shoving her into a long, desperate hug. her hands tangled in your hair as she hugged you back, a laugh of relief escaping her as well.

"you're here. when did you get back? are you not still filming?" you pulled back, not a lot but just enough to take in her features. to immerse yourself in jenna. her freckles still dotting her face in every perfect place. her eyes still held all the emotion of her features, and her dimples were as deep as ever.

"i got back a few hours ago and wanted to surprise you. ava and allison help me little," she smiled, her hand finding its way to your cheek. your eyes flashed to your two friends who were holding up their thumbs in encouragement.

you looked back at jenna, who looked into your right eye, down to your lips, then back up to your left. the triangle method- you almost folded on the spot. you pulled her in for a tender kiss. something unique to the moment, or more specifically the person. you held her there until she was forced to pull away for air.

"i'm on a three-week hiatus, thought it was a good time to come home" jenna explained. "what were you guys doing... y/n what is this?" she giggled looking at your dinosaur suit that you had hanging around your hips, not fully taking it off.

"we were filming some fun dinosaur tiktoks" you shrugged as jenna pulled you closer to her once more.

"i swear it's like i'm dating a child..."

"let's watch your words, because if i'm a child- you know what that makes you? a predator jenna. you wanna catch a case?"

she then led you to her car, you said your goodbyes and thank yous to your friends as you left.


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