chapter two - fuck school

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liz thompson stands at school's front office desk filling out forms about bex and nick. the thompson siblings and the patterson siblings stand behind her waiting for the bell.

"so do they want spanish or french?" the lady at the front desk leans over the table as she asks liz.

scoffing she leans closer to the lady. "you can give them klingon and russian for all i care. this is just temporary."

the lady at the front desk nods her head with uncertainty. "so spanish?" liz just shrugs.

over by the kids bex and nick look at the photos hung in the wall while molly stands in the corner on her phone.

"that you?" bex asks as she points to a photo of jeremy.

"yeah." he replies smugly.

"wow. looks like your kind of a  big deal around here.

"yeah, i know." he smirks and stares off into the distance. bex tries to follow his gaze but just rolls her eyes at the ceiling he's staring at.

"weirdo." she mumbles. next to her landon let's out a small chuckle and she turns to him smiling.

"get used to it, he always does it." he whispers back with a grin on his face.

"oh joy." bex replies sarcastically turning back to molly who begins talking.

"slow your roll. you're junior class rep, not king of the north."

liz approach's the group with some papers in her hand. "girls, uh, i know this is a difficult situation, and you could probably use some sort of inspirational speech right now. so... hold on to your dreams and... reach for the stars and uh, seize the day."

the thompson's look at each other holding back a laugh but also cringing at the same time.

liz goes to hug nick first, giving her an awkward side hug and they both uncomfortably laugh. when she goes to hug bexley, she backs up.

"uh, sorry, not a hugger." she says awkwardy. liz nots and pulls her lips into a thin line and instead giving the girl two stiff pats on the shoulder.

"okay, uh, bye." liz rushes out of the room leaving the five children to look to eachother confused.

nick, landon, bex, and molly walk through some wooden doors into another hallway.

"so jeremy'a kind of full of himself." nick smiles.

"totally." molly replies.

landon scoffs. "he need to get his ego in check."

molly nods her head in agreement. "he even keeps a future resume on his phone to remind him of all the things he need to accomplish by the time he's thirty five. spoiler alert, he becomes president." the group giggles in response.

"is it just me who felt like he didn't like us?" bex asks nick.

she shakes her head. "no, i definitely felt that." they turn to the siblings to get an anwser but molly just stares back at them.

"oh yeah, he hates y'all." landon says causally. "tried to vote you off the island."

"landon!" molly hits his shoulder.

"what? it's true." he shrugs. nick frowns but bexley just rolls her eyes.

"i guess he just doesn't want some sketchy foster kids living in his house." nick admits.

"hey." molly stops, causing the rest of the group to stop as well. " just because you haven't been afforded the same opportunities we have, doesn't make you sketchy."

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