chapter eleven - student concil president?

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as bexley and nick round the corner they find the boy they were searching for. turning to eachother with small smirks and an encouraging nod they begin to walk over to him.

crossing the hall of crowded teenagers they reach jeremy and he frowns at them. well, at nick, he gives a small smile to bex which is politely returned.

"hey jere." bex says and he looks at her with a puzzled expression. "what? jeremy's to many syllables. i'm calling you jere." she shrugs causing him to roll his eyes.

"what do you guys want?" he asks bitterly.

"well, we had this crazy idea that you should totally run for student body president." nick smiles at him.

jeremy gives her a nod and a tight lipped smile. "yeah, i'll get right on that." he mumbles before turning around to face his locker.

nick continues her argument. "i'm serious, this is a great idea."

"i don't think so." he squints his eyes at her questioningly.

"why not?" she shrugs.

"well, for starters, i just became junior class rep. i can't abandon that responsibility." the boy states. "plus, student council president is a full year away on my resume for the future."

bexley scoffs at him and nick stares blankly. looking between the two he adds.

"i can show you if you like."

"please don't." nick states.

"no thanks." bex says at the same time.

jeremy sighs before continuing. "besides, lisa haddad is running unopposed. she's the vice president, she's next in line, and she's a senior. the president has always been a senior."

"well, i think you could beat her, easily." bex says. "i wouldn't vote for her, she gives me a headache."

"hey, jeremy." lisa says as she strolls over to the trio. "bexley, nick." she gives them a nod.

"hey, lisa." jeremy says flashing a fake and anxious smile to her.

"hey, oh, here, have some buttons." she giggles, handing a pile of buttons to bex as she stands the closest to her.

bex looks at them with a small furrow of her eyebrows. "give a nod to lisa haddad." she says reading off the button as lisa gives the group a nod. bex looks up and gives her a smile. "catchy."

"right?" she grins. "oh, by the way, great job running costume dance. you are killing it as junior class rep. nick, thanks for the amazing work you do with the volunteer squad. and bex, good job at... being you."

"thanks, i try." bex says gives her a tight lipped smile and the two break eye contact.

"thanks for your support." lisa smiles again before turning around and walking away.

bexley rolls her eyes. "see what i mean?" she hands the buttons to nick before crossing her arms.

"you just hate everyone." nick says with an eye roll and bex nods her head in agreement. nick then focuses back on jeremy. "but, i still think you could beat her."

"you really think so? i mean, did you see that? shes a natural. there's no way i can beat her." jeremy says looking at the older girl with a sad and defeated look on his face.

"yes, you can." nick encourages as she places the buttons in jeremy's locker. "with us as your campaign managers."

jeremy snorts at her words making both girls jaws drop.

"look, i get it. your suspicious of us, but we wanna help you." nick smiles.

he frowns. "that makes me more suspicious."

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