chapter fourteen - thompson family saftey day

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"surprise! welcome to thompson family safety day." ed cheered while the rest of the room stared at him in confusion. he held his bright smile as continued. "for the next three hours, we are on lockdown."

bex's and nicks heads practically snap off as they spin their heads to look at each other. their eyes wide with panic and fear and a sense of anxiety tears through them.

the rest of the family doesn't look very pleased either as they all look at the man with their mouths hung open.

"super." nick mumbles with fake enthusiasm, her right eye twitching slightly.

ed doesn't pick up on her ungenuine feelings as a wide grin spreads onto his face. "i know, right? this is going to be great." he exclaims.

bexley gives him a tight nod, frustration spilling out of her. although it is not only nick and bex who are infuriated by this news, but the rest of the family as well.

"um, what?" jeremy says, stepping closer to his father with a harsh frown.

ed begins to walk around the couch and the crowd starts to follow. "this break- in was a personal violation. it's my duty to protect this family." he declares. "we're gonna make this house an impenetrable fortress."

nick, who had just sat down along with everyone else, stands abruptly. "we were going to meet a friend."

one by one the rest of the group begins to rise to their feet with their own complaints.

"my followers are waiting for my live stream." molly pouts.

"i have a student council meeting." jeremy says.

"i have soccer practice." landon complains.

nick grabs bex's hand and pulls her to the door, the thompson kids following close behind.

"woah, woah, woah! nobody leaves! i don't want to hear any excuses." the older man demands, forcing all the teens to grumble back into the room. "we need to start taking safety seriously in the household."

"lisa haddad is still upset i beat her for president. if i miss this meeting, she'll sense a power vacuum and assume control." jeremy complains, stepping forward.

"i really can't miss this practice. coach said i won't be able to play next game if i do." landon explains with a frown.

molly then steps forward as well. "my followers are waiting for me to lead the letter-writing campaign."

the moment she finishes speaking bex steps forward. "and we really need to meet this friend."

"well i'm sorry, but all these social activities are optional." ed states roughly, "family safety is mandatory."

the teens all groan loudly as they fall back into their previous seats.

liz, who is sitting in the chair behind her husband, speaks up causing ed to turn and face her. "what about closing the garage, is that optional or mandatory? because i thought mandatory, but it sure seems pretty optional."

"ha ha! your snark is much appreciated, but i'm telling you, i closed the garage." ed sasses back sarcastically. when he turns and sees the deep glares engraved in his children's faces, he lets out a loud sigh. "look everybody, i've got a big day planned for us. trust me, it's gonna be super fun." he says making the kids let out another loud groan.

"come on, guys, this is important. okay, and i bet you're gonna have a blast and learn a lot." liz says unconvincingly, she pushes to her feet and gives her husband a pat on the chest before twisting to leave. "okay, bye."

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