chapter eight - ghostface me ghostface you

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after school bexley is in her bathroom getting ready for the dance. she wasn't in any rush since liz didn't need her and nick to work a shift today.

she was humming the tune to some billie ellish song that plays in the background. leaning close to the mirror to apply her eyeliner, her breath slightly fogging up the mirror as she focuses on the line.

bexley doesn't notice the person in the doorway as she leans back and screws on the cap to the tube. she jumps as she sees the smiling face of her best friend in the reflection of the mirror. putting her hand over her heart and huffs she turns around to see nick standing there holding a grin.

"jesus christ man, you scared me." bexley laughs.

nick walks farther into the bathroom and leans her hip on the counter. "my bad."

bexley sighs running a hand through her hair and looking into her makeup bag for her mascara. smiling she looks back up to nick.

"your mask is in my desk." her smile so wide her cheeks hurt. "ugh, i'm so excited. this is my favourite costume we've ever done."

she leans back to the mirror to do her mascara when nick pushes herself off the counter and shoving her hands in her pocket. bexley's smile fades as she sees nick's odd behaviour. she pulls back and creases her brows with a small confused smile on her face.

"hey, what's up?" she asks concerned.

hesitating nick fidgets with her fingers. "bex," she mumbles lightly, avoiding eye contact.

"you okay?" she puts down her makeup and steps closer to her resting a hand on her shoulder.

"i, uh, i'm sorry. i know you were really excited to do our matching costumes, b-but me and the volunteer squad decided to be eco friendly things." looking up into her friends eyes pleading her to forgive her.

bex feels a sharp pain in her chest and she slowly drops her arm from nicks shoulder. staying silent she breaks eye contact and looks to the floor, thinking.

"it was really last minute, i'm really sorry." nick says with a sense of urgency in her voice.

bex puts on her best fake smile she can muster and looks back at nick. "it, um, it's fine." she shrugs like it's nothing but deep down it really hurts that her best friend choose her new friends over her. "don't worry about it, i mean it was stupid anyway." she laughs awkwardly. nick stares at her intensely waiting for her to continue, but she doesn't. bexley just stares at her freshly painted black nails her and nick we're supposed to match with for their costume. beginning to pick off the paint she smiles tightly and looks back to nick, not before looking at her pink painted nails.

knowing her friend, nick knows that bexley is upset and she feels deep guilt about it. "no, it's not stupid i just-." she sighs and scratches her head. "me and molly had the idea this morning to fine people for not having culturally appropriate costumes so i have to wear something different."

bexley hums stiffly, not really paying attention to what she's saying.

trying to reason nick continues holding her hands out. "it's for my dad. you know for money." she smiles at bex but only gets a small insincere smile back. "i'm going to switch out the money boxes and then we will have a lot of money to give to him."

nodding her head firmly. "yeah, no, i get it. that's good that you'll make the money for him." she smiles and nick smiles back.

"i'm so glad you understand." she grins.

raising her eyebrows bexley nods. "of course."

smiling nick backs out of the room. "okay, bye. see you later." she laughs.

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