chapter eighteen - deja vu

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"raise and shine!" nick's loud voice rings in bex's ear.

"what the fuck?" bex mumbles, pulling the cover higher up her body and turning towards the wall.

"ah, no, no. you have to get up." nick laughs as she turns bexley back onto her back.

bex groans loudly before she squints her eyes open. the bright lights, however, make her quickly shut them again.

"bex, we have school." nick smiles trying to pull at bexley's arm.

"fuck off." bex grumbles, unsuccessfully trying to pull her arm back.

after it had taken bexley hours to fall asleep due to her racing mind, she had finally found sleep about an hour before her ears were broken by nick.

a deep sigh comes from nick as she moves bex's body over before she falls and stretches her body next to bexley's.

bex twists herself to face nick at a leisurely pace. when her eyes squint back open she accesses nick. her eyes widen as she looks down.

"nick." she says calmly as she keeps her gaze down. "why the hell are your shoes on my bed?"

nick giggles evilly before a loud thud and a sharp gasp cut her off. "bexley noelle!"

"nicole elizabeth!" bex replies with fake enthusiasm. her face returns back to a glare as she continues. "you know the rules about having shoes on my bed."

rolling her eyes, nick stands from the floor and makes a big show of taking her shoes off. bex gives an approving nod before scooting herself closer to the wall, making room for her friend.

taking the opportunity nick throws herself next to bex with a laugh. her laugh fades and they both lay in peaceful silence, keeping their eyes trained on the ceiling.

after a few moments of silence, nick's mumbled voice pipes up. "it's so plain." the disturbed silence causes bex's eyes to peal back open and a frown comes onto her face. she lets out a small hum, silently telling nick to elaborate. "the ceiling. it's blank in my room too." nick says, a sad smile on her face. "remember the splits in our ceiling." bexley twists to face her friend, who's gaze is still on the roof above them. "all the little cracks that formed the animals."

bex nods her head, a soft laugh coming through. "how could i forget greg the bunny or peter the ferret? oh and that little judgmental raccoon,"

"jasper." nick says with a joyful laugh and a small hit to bexley's thigh. "we got the name from when my dad forced us to watch the first season of little house on the prairie. we feel in love with that raccoon."

"only the raccoon." bex states cheerfully.

only a few beats later nick suddenly changes the topic, bringing their once light laughter to a halt. "do you miss it?"

"miss what?" bex queries, turning slowly to her friend.

a sigh comes from next to bex as nick copies her actions in turning to her side. "our old life. you know, before all the lies and the schemes. before my dad went to jail." she keeps her gaze down onto the white sheets and she waits a moment before her whispers continue softly. "because i do. i miss it so much."

bex feels a wave of sadness wash over her. speaking of their past life is a rare topic due to its sensitivity to both girls. with a slow nod of her head, bex agrees. "of course i miss it." she strains, pain engulfing her chest.

"i would do anything to go back." nick mumbles sadly. "go back to our shit school with our shit teachers but we would never complain because we had great friends and an amazing soccer team."

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