chapter twelve - the first robbery

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it was now nighttime and the thompson family was scattered throughout the household.

liz stands in the kitchen, washing the dishes from their latest family dinner whilst her husband, ed sits in the living room watching some sort of comedy show that has his laughter booming throughout the house.

nick sits in bex's room, doing her homework, as bexley scrolls on her phone ignoring her backpack full of assignments in the corner.

landon sits working on his homework in his sister's room for some reason unknown to both of them. molly can't tell him to get out as she was already angry at to many people and needed a break. plus, she needed someone to rant to about  becky stealing her beach clean up after her mother took her to a doctors appointment.

the only teen alone at the moment was the eldest thompson boy, jeremy.

even though he should be feeling excitement from the celebratory dinner his mother cooked for her quote "own special president", he was still deeply troubled by the fact that nick had guessed the number of votes precisely.

he had been uncomfortably pacing around his room for the past hour. jeremy, was unsure on what to do. there was no way to prove her guilty as he wasn't even supposed to know the results at all.

finally, after he had almost eaten to his nail beds, he decides to tell his siblings. jeremy, knows that they are both close with nick and bex but maybe this could show them how suspicious they are.

striding towards molly's room he hastily enters her room and shuts the door. jeremy's actions cause both siblings to stare up at him.

"don't mind the closed door." molly mumbles with an eye roll. however, jeremy doesn't pay attention to her as he needs to tell someone about the situation now.

"i have to tell you guys something that'll blow your tiny minds." jeremy says walking in front of the pair.

"wow, thanks, bro." landon smiles sarcastically to his brother who just waves him off.

"check this out." he says handing the notecard to molly who sits up on her bed to grab it.

she furrows her eyebrows and flips the card to landon who moves from the chair next to the window, to her bed to see it. he takes it from her hands and begins to look at it.

"the hell is this?" molly asks looking up to her oldest brother and gesturing to the paper that was now in landon's hands.

"nicks estimate of the vote totals." he states.

molly shrugs and landon's eyebrows crease more. "so?" he asks.

"that's also the exact number of votes that both i and lisa haddad actually got." jeremy explains, using his arms for exaggeration.

"you and i have very different standards when it comes to mind-blowing." molly says leaning forward and opening her eyes for emphasis.

"do you guys even understand what the odds are of nick getting those totals, right?" jeremy says. "she'd have to know how many people would vote, how many were going vote for me, how many were gonna vote for lisa. then there's the write-in possibility. no one did that, but how would she know?"

molly frowns and pushes herself to her feet as she speaks. "how did you even know the exact results?" she walks slowly towards him and stops right in front of him. "it was a secret."

"that doesn't matter."

"jim?" landon says joining his sister, standing in front of jeremy.

ignoring him jeremy snaps. "what matters is i know something is fishy with both nick and this count."

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