Chapter 14

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Observing the defensive mentality revealed in the handwriting, Xu Jinchao's lingering worries were also swept away.

Song Jiao is still the cautious and prudent Song Jiao who is extremely vigilant. She has not lost her suspicions and vigilance because of the butterfly effect caused by her arrival.

The previous agility and obedience, all kinds of shows, were just a protective color when Omega was in a weak position.

Xu Jinchao laughed out loud.

The kitten's pads are soft and light, and the sharp claws are hidden in the paws.

Of course, it can sit up straight and pretend to be obedient and gentle, curling the end of its tail and placing it in its soft paws, or it can immediately scratch and injure people as soon as it senses danger.

Cute appearance and predatory wild nature coexist, Xu Jinchao likes both.

He smiled and started looking carefully at the various dates stamped on the pictures.

The ideal situation for an omega combined fever is once every 40 days, not too severe, causing dehydration and other complications, or too long, ending in 3 days.

However, from this recording of Song Jiao, the combined thermal cycle is unstable.

Sometimes the intervals were too long, and sometimes the episodes were too long. Although Song Jiao only summed up the time and didn't determine the performance during the hot combination, he couldn't hold it anymore.

The smile on Xu Jinchao's mouth gradually disappeared.

He had [Xu Jinchao's] common sense, and knew that the disturbances of the Omega boom period, except for the rare physical illness factor, were mostly caused by psychological states.

Human emotions are related to physiological functions, not to mention the fusion of Omega in this world. When he is used to feeling depressed and nervous for a long time, his aunt's cycle will be disrupted.

The source of Song Jiao's pressure was basically [Xu Jinchao].

Xu Jinchao exited the drawing page, and instead clicked on Qi Assistant's text message box to edit the information, asked him to check the relevant experts in the provincial capital, and sent their names and contact information to himself.

Xu Jinzhao put down his cell phone, and his mood became depressed.

In fact, the best way to recover is to maintain a good mood, but Song Jiao's family was destroyed, and she was trapped by the person she hated the most, how could she force Song Jiao to feel at ease.

At the end of the last class in the afternoon, Song Jiao collected textbook notes.

She was in a very good mood the whole day, and Song Jiao herself couldn't explain the specific reason.

Maybe it was because he was able to return to school, maybe the annoying Qin Shaoqian finally felt the pain… maybe not at all.

But he was indeed quite happy, occasionally looking out the window at the sky, all clear blue eyes.

Song Jiao had not seen such a blue sky in a long time, the bright and bright colors washed away the gloomy and gloomy impression she had in the past.

It was nearly evening, and the clouds in the western sky revealed a beautiful warm gold in the remnants of the setting sun.

Song Jiao took his canvas bag diagonally, and walked lightly towards this beautiful brocade cloud.

It was because he was too relaxed that he forgot that someone said that he would come to pick him up. Following his old habit, he turned towards the bus stop after leaving the west school gate.

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