Chapter 37

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When Xu Jinchao called to arrest Song Jiao, Song Jiao didn't realize that she was so drunk.

In the former Xu Family House before, even though Xu Jinchao's cheeks were flushed and he was obviously drunk, his speech and demeanor were still logically clear and dignified.

She showed no faults in front of the guests, she made no mistakes in dealing with Xu Boyang after the banquet, and even took a quiet nap on the way home, and that was only when she slept. fell asleep as she leaned her head on Song Jiao's shoulder.

Xu Jinchao played the role of Xu Boyang's daughter perfectly, behaved cautiously and generously in front of many celebrities, and treated him appropriately.

When she got home, she missed her aunt who slept with the light off, she didn't want to wake her up, so she slowly climbed upstairs with the flashlight on her cell phone.

But it wasn't until Xu Jinchao took off Song Jiao's gloves, held Omega's knuckles, brought them to his lips, and told him about his inner tension and fear, that Song Jiao suddenly realized. that Xu Jinchao was drunk.

Because Alpha would never take the initiative to make such an intimate gesture while he was awake.

She could hold his hand, but she wouldn't hold it tightly like she was now afraid of losing, and kiss it.

Miscalculation, Song Jiao thought, her friend turned out to be a very good performer, and she tricked her self-proclaimed intelligence.

Xu Jinchao's lips were as warm as his palm, and Song Jiao only felt that his fingers were about to melt between his palm and his fiery breath.

She tried to pull outward, trying to free herself from the overheated chains, but Xu Jinchao unnaturally insisted. Instead, she covered the back of her kissed finger with her other hand, holding it with both hands, and was not allowed to leave.

The drunk's eyes were wet, soft and sticky, and pitiful, with a certain condemnation.

It's like heated maltose, and it can't be shaken off if it accidentally sticks to it. It takes time to lick off that sweet cloudiness.

Song Jiao sighed and stopped struggling.

She asked Xu Jinchao, "Are you going to Fengbei Province?" When is this going to happen?

Song Jiao really didn't know, so she had conversations with Qin Lingyue, about the female head of the Qin Family's Alpha brother who was by no means a thing in the pool.

She didn't know how Xu Jinchao had decided that Qin Shaoqian would pose a threat to his sister, but only from a psychological point of view, Qin Shaoqian had ambitions.

Qin Shaoqian enjoys extremely superior material conditions, but he does not like ordinary luxury things, sports cars, yachts, and second-generation luxury mansions. He only likes to play with people.

If you analyze Qin Shaoqian's deep needs to constantly play with the psychology of Omega women, Song Jiao thinks he may be trying to prove something against the norm.

Prove its overall ability and prove that it is stronger than its excellent sister.

The Qin family's case is no secret in Juzhou City. Qin Lingyue is a leader among the younger generation. With her in her presence, Qin Shaoqian's name is tied to it as "Qin Lingyue's younger brother".

Even if Qin Shaoqian was able to stand up, there would be no shortage of rumors that he sat on his sister's shoulder and easily picked peaches.

If you want to completely replace a person, of course, the best way is to stand on the opposite side of that person, then smash the other person into the ground and cover them with your own name.

Wearing It Before Scum A Tortures The Heroine GLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang