Chapter 21

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Xu Jinchao's demeanor was quite gentle and casual when he spoke, as if he had called "Jiaojiao" so intimately thousands of times and given him something generously.

But Song Jiao never knew.

Even though Xu Jinchao used to say that he loved and loved, the gesture he showed was still dismissive.

Alpha may really love her face, and she has a crush on the smell of her pheromones, but that love is superficial and self-righteous.

Even though Song Jiao was born with emotional flaws, she didn't know what it was like to love someone, and she couldn't even form a deep emotional connection with her closest relatives.

But there is arguably the best example around Song Jiao, Song Yikang, and Qiao Chu who love each other deeply.

She therefore knows that the expression of love must be tolerance, respect and pity, that her father loves her mother, worries about the difficulties she encounters and thinks of her with all his might.

Elder Xu Jinchao "loved" him, but chose to plunder, bringing Song Jiao all kinds of hardships that disrupted his normal life.

Every time she looked at Alpha's handsome face, Song Jiao encountered a pair of eyes that almost instinctively towered over the beast and gazed at the mating partner.

Through this window, she saw the ugly, selfish, and indecent thoughts that lingered in the other person's mind.

But seemingly overnight, some things changed.

Song Jiao looked at Xu Jinchao's clear and translucent pupils, the bright background reflected her looking at her, and the haze of desire and hope disappeared without a trace.

Human eyes don't lie, Xu Jinchao is sincerely willing to hand over his car to her to use.

The value of this is not only in a used transport tool, but also contains a hint of priceless treasure:


Song Jiao couldn't remember exactly the last time she left Xu Jinchao's control and traveled alone.

She was never allowed to travel alone. Xu Jinchao was the Xu Family's driver when she was free. No matter where she went, she was bound by invisible chains around her neck.

Does Xu Jinchao promise her freedom?

Song Jiao thought uncertainly.

The whole thought was actually only a few tenths of a second, and she had already nodded in acceptance of the gift.

Qin Lingyue, who was on the side, also smiled happily: "This matter has been turned around, Qin Shaoqian is irritable and ignorant, Xiao Xu and Xiao Song must not take it to heart, otherwise the sister will have no face. to see you again in the future."

Qin Lingyue stretched out his right hand and lightly shook Xu Jinchao.

Then the woman turned her palm to Song Jiao and stopped in front of Omega with a smile.

It's a rare courtesy. Song Jiao sees more high-ranking people and doesn't take her in the eye, and sees her as an accomplice of Alpha.

The other party often only focuses on Xu Jinchao, and being able to nod to him is a great "respect".

Song Jiao was not flattered, but was slightly surprised by Qin Lingyue's abnormal behavior.

She still smiled shyly and calmly shook hands with the person in charge of the Qin Family.

After reconciling this matter, Qin Lingyue will leave immediately.

It was a bit funny indeed, there were still a lot of guests in the courtyard downstairs, and the host had just started to leave.

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