Chapter 71

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Xu Jinchao couldn't describe how he felt.

She was cold from head to toe. She was clearly in the warm room of late summer and early autumn, but she felt a bone-chilling chill pouring down from the top of her head.

Xu Jinchao's teeth were almost chattering, she looked at Omega's small face with surprise and joy in front of her, her heart was filled with unspeakable despair, and she couldn't even try to smile to reassure the other party.

Song Jiao had no time to look at Xu Jinchao's expression anymore. She noticed that Alpha's infusion needle was rolled on the hospital bed, and the back of her hand was slowly swollen.

She hurriedly stepped forward to stop the drip, tore off the medical tape, pulled out the needle, pressed her fingertips to stop the bleeding, and rang the bell to call the nurse.

The invisible barrier that separated Xu Jinchao from the world suddenly melted away with Song Jiao's series of actions and the touch of her fingers and skin, like a huge bubble wrapping her body being burst, allowing Xu Jinchao to finally feel the truth again.

She was returned to nature from the frosted fish tank, but her body was still in a state of rigidity, unable to swim with her tail, and was supported by the small hands of the people around her so that she would not sink to the bottom of the lake.

Xu Jinchao took a slow breath, she didn't have much strength at all, she tried her best to raise her other hand and put it on the back of Song Jiao's hand.

Song Jiao was pressing the medical cotton for Xu Jinchao, and the back of her finger was covered by the palm of the other's gently falling palm.

The force of the touch was extremely light, and the palm of her hand was extremely cold. She had never seen Xu Jinzhao's hand so cold, and it was as if it had just been soaked in ice water.

Omega couldn't help but get scared, looked up at Xu Jinchao, didn't talk to her, for fear that Alpha's energy would be consumed, and he would pass out like he was in an amusement park at noon.

Song Jiao was terrified at the time. She only left for a few minutes. Before she left, Xu Jinchao was fine. When she called someone to go back, she leaned against the bench and couldn't wake up.

She was in a panic, and she forced Xu Jinchao to the hospital. After the examination, she found out that the coma was caused by the overdose of the inhibitor.

Song Jiao regretted and blamed herself, and felt that she should not mention the playground. Xu Jinchao definitely didn't want to disappoint her, so she concealed her physical discomfort, and she had to accompany her when she was injected with inhibitors.

Although the doctor reassured the patient that she would soon wake up, she was inexplicably uneasy.

Unspeakable fear and fear surged in Song Jiao's heart. Looking at the pale and faint Alpha on the hospital bed, she was lying there, but Song Jiao felt that Xu Jinchao was very far away from her, so far that she could feel it when she pulled her palm. without her presence.

Song Jiao tried her best to tell herself that it was an hallucination. She was just too nervous to think wildly. When Xu Jinchao woke up, she might still laugh at her making a fuss, but she was flustered.

Now that Xu Jinchao finally woke up, the joy of being lost and found did not last long, and the heavy stone in her heart was pressed back again.

There was an invisible string in Song Jiao's mind that was desperately ringing the alarm, telling her that something must have happened.

The ward fell into dead silence for a while, Xu Jinchao was speechless, Song Jiao did not dare to speak, the two could only stare at each other helplessly and desperately, until the atmosphere was broken by the nurse who came over.

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