Chapter 31

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Xu Jinchao paid no attention to the guy.

She didn't even look at herself, she held Song Jiao's hand and asked quietly: "Is it cold? Why don't you wear gloves?"

Song Jiao said, "So you can warm me up."

Xu Jinchao took Song Jiao's other hand and held the backhand in his palm to warm Omega's hand.

This wave of love is about to blind the eyes of the sports car guy's dog He's never been ignored like this before, holding the horn angrily and not letting go, making a long honk piercing.

Xu Jinchao turned to look at the boy, his hair was dyed green, the huge sunglasses were on his head, his eyes were hanging, and his face was defiant.

But she just looked at herself and didn't speak.

Lumao caught Xu Jinchao's attention, but he didn't wait for an answer, so he had to ask again, "I asked who you are!"

Xu Jinchao pretended to be lost: "Who are you?"

Lu Mao's nose quivered, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something and choked.

This is Changnan Province, and others are in Juzhou City. It is not easy to report his brother's name, and no one knows who he is.

But Lumao did not reconcile. He raised his arms and showed off the shiny gemstone ring and diamond watch on his wrist as if nothing had happened. He scoffed:

"Is this sister your wife?" It's not pitiful. You don't even know how to drive a car when you come to pick someone up.

Lumao Alpha's current focus has obviously changed from approaching Song Jiao to competing with Xu Jinchao.

Xu Jinchao was not annoyed at all and laughed at him with pity in his eyes:

"But my wife likes me. She doesn't want to look at you, but she wants to follow me. Can you get away with it? Besides, how do you know I don't have a car?"

Lumao's expression was annoyed and contemptuous, apparently feeling that Xu Jinchao had been slapped with a swollen face and made a fat man.

But before he could speak, Song Jiao took the initiative to take Xu Jinchao's hand and said, "Honey, let's go, don't talk to him."

Omega deliberately lowered his voice a little and said to Xu Jinchao, "It's funny to open the hood in such cold weather, and his hair looks like a turtle."

Song Jiao's "whisper" dropped two decibels, Lumao could hear her clearly, and her nose was twisted.

Xu Jinchao and Song Jiao finished laughing together, then turned around to persuade Lumao: "This is the school bus stop. It's illegal to honk and park here. If you have to pay a fine and deduct points, you can go fast."

Lumao's whole face flushed, he knocked twice on the steering wheel and honked loudly, "Master is happy, Master can pay the fine, can you control it? Poor bastard!"

He stayed here for so long and kept honking his horn, which caught the attention of the students and the security station.

Xu Jinchao shrugged and said to Song Jiao, "It's hard to persuade that damned ghost with good words, let's go, leave him alone, he'll cry when the traffic police come."

Holding hands, they turned and walked away, Lumao growling from behind, "Who are you scolding! Who's afraid of the traffic police?"

Two school security guards from Changnan University came and led him away with a stern face, "The bus is coming, don't drive, hurry up."

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