Chapter 30

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Xu Jinchao didn't hear Song Jiao's footsteps.

The flow of people at the school gate is not weak, she is holding such a big bouquet of flowers, almost everyone will pay attention to her.

Xu Jinchao came back early and stayed more than ten minutes without waiting for Song Jiao. back.

Pedestrians chatting and laughing, traffic coming and going, so many noises, maybe now I suddenly feel like, it seems like a voice said in my heart, the person you've been waiting for has arrived.

She turned around, and Song Jiao really stood nearby.

In the setting sun, Omega's beautiful face was extremely soft, soft and shiny.

Xu Jinchao held the bouquet of foxtail lilies and showed it to her, and received a slightly surprised smile from the other party.

The bad mood left by his memories of the end of the original [Song Jiao] disappeared with that smile, leaving only the joy and satisfaction that filled his heart, and a little pity.

So Xu Jinchao also laughed, she took the initiative to step forward and handed over the flower: "It seems that you like it very much."

Omega took the flower, lowered her head and lightly sniffed the scent, then looked up to look at it, her deep pupils lit by the orange glow of the setting sun.

Xu Jinzhao suddenly said softly: "I don't seem to have told you, Song Jiao, I think you are very beautiful, very fresh, and full of vitality, not only in appearance, but also in other aspects."

Song Jiao didn't know how to answer him.

Song Jiao has heard countless words about her appearance. She knows she's exceptional in the public's aesthetic sense, but the part Alpha insists on is always fresh and "more than looks".

She was a little dazed, guessing that Xu Jinchao was praising her inner self? Or rather, personality?

Can you have a nice personality?

On this issue, no matter how confident Song Jiao is, she needs to clarify: her personality is not beautiful.

She is dishonest, mean, lacking in sympathy, morality, selfish and distrustful, and never does anything by doing things, only considering the benefits that can be obtained and the price to be paid.

Xu Jinchao is a completely different person from her, even the opposite of Song Jiao.

Song Jiao looked into Alpha's gentle eyes, she thought, what is here is the truly beautiful and lively soul.

Song Jiao lowered his head and looked again at the foxtail lily in his arms, which means beautiful flowers and should be given to people with a beautiful heart.

But she is stingy by nature, and this flower is also a rare gift that she loves very much.

Song Jiao struggled, hesitated, and finally chose the biggest and most beautiful of the bouquet and handed it to Xu Jinchao.

Alpha looked very surprised.

Song Jiao said, "Give it to you."

Omega shared his favorite things with Xu Jinzao, but only a small part of them.

Xu Jinchao laughed again, she accepted the flower generously, sniffed it lightly, and said admiringly, "It's so fragrant."

Song Jiao liked the other party's reaction.

This made her regret a little less after sharing her winnings.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Xu Jinchao returned the flower to Song Jiao and solemnly said, "Hold it for me."

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