[22.1] SIRENS

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"Sirens-the sailor killer mermaids of mythology."


HALLWAY BOY WAS in the restricted area!

My eyes followed his figure as he disappeared into the darkness, seemingly going deeper into the restricted area. What was he doing there at midnight?

Questions flooded my mind as curiosity peaked, gazing at the spot he had disappeared in. I wondered where he was going.

I stood up to my full height, now solely focused on the dark spot he had vanished into. I wanted to know. I had to know. Despite all the warning bells going off in my head, I could feel my feet moving toward the bushes he had disappeared into. Looking back one more time, I made the worst decision of my life.

I walked right into the bushes, coming out to a narrow pathway, with thick bushes on each side. Standing still for a moment I decided not to think anything over, or I was sure I was going to bolt right back into the King's Garden. Instead, I decided to follow the pathway despite my brain screaming at me;

Curiosity killed the cat, curiosity murdered it!!

Being extremely careful to avoid any twigs snapping, I used my ninja-level sneaking techniques to quietly maneuver down the path, frowning when it led me directly into two bushes.

Scratching my scalp, I looked back into the darkness to where I had just come from and then around, making sure I had not made any kind of wrong turn. There was nothing that depicted what I had. Then where did he disappear to?

Oh my gosh...I froze when a frantic thought took over me.

What if he had invisibility powers? What if he had sensed me and was now about to attack? I frantically looked around, cursing the darkness around me.

An attack?

He would have attacked already if he desired to, but then again, why attack me? I had the sweetest face on earth, I'm sure I could negotiate some sort of survival.

Darn it, I left my notebook.

That's it, I'm going to die.

I turned around suddenly when I heard a twig snap, eyebrows coming together when I realized it came from the direction of the two bushes. Curiously I moved slowly toward them, parting them apart, surprised to see another clearing.

Glancing back, I made the swift decision to once again, disappear through the scary bushes like any normal girl would, eyes widening at the sight of hallway boy's figure standing at the edge of what I assumed was some sort of water pool, detached from the ocean. I quickly dived into some bushes, eyes still on him.

From this position, I could see that the moonlight was focused on him, like that single rose, illuminating every inch of that face that had left Claire and me speechless.

I could barely see his eyes from this distance, but that was a good thing. I could see everything else including- w-what the hell was he doing?

My eyes widened as he threw his shirt off revealing smooth milky skin that looked like it had only been graced by the moonlight and never the sun's harsh rays. His well-defined abs took center stage of my magnetic gaze.

He reached out to undo his belt and I looked away, back against the bushes, one hand over my mouth, heart thudding. Did I come all this way just to watch a boy strip?

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