[154] WHISKING AWAY (part-one)

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After coming back to the rooms, I excused myself to take a much-needed shower. When I was finally ready to settle down and get some reading done, I settled on my bed, crossing my legs with a stifled yawn, and opening the second book that I got from the library.

But before I could indulge, I heard a soft knock on my door.

Pausing, I stared at the door for a moment with a slight crease on my forehead, wondering who it could be.

I mean the most logical explanation is that it could be Claire, Lira, or David, and that was my first guess, but then again, they rarely ever knocked these days.

They much rather sneak up on me when I was asleep and throw a bucket over my head.

I slid out of bed, slipping into my slippers, stopping when I spotted something that resembled a thin sheet of paper being pushed beneath the door.

Walking carefully towards it, both slowly and curiously, I picked up the plain pieces of paper, turning it over, catching a breath at what I saw, immediately opening the door, but coming face to face with nothing.

Moving further into the middle of the passage, I hoped to get a glimpse of him but it was empty as if no one had been there.

My eyebrows arched at this, letting a short breath out before walking back into my room, closing the door behind me carefully as I gazed down at the drawing there.

It was the most realistic yet mystical drawing I had ever seen.

I was amazed at how he got every detail of my face right and a smile crossed my features at the sight of those wild detailed curls in my hair that made me look mad and unhinged if anything, and yet he said that was his favorite part.

I wish I could say the same for Zali if she had been here.

She was better when it came to taking care of my hair that was for sure, and on my own, I felt like I wasn't doing enough justice to it.

Yet, in this drawing before me, I don't know,- but I kind of liked it this way.

I smiled pushing away a stray lock from my face as I looked at the drawing, flashbacks from the night before once again filling my mind, making me blush.

I moved toward the bed taking a seat once more.

After a moment of staring at it, I folded it carefully, slipping it in between the pages of my pink notebook for safekeeping with a grin on my face that was not yet ready to be erased.

My eyes eventually traveled down to my book with a sigh, eyes trailing over the title of the book, fingers clenched around the golden brown covers.


I had no idea why I had felt like I had to check out this book on this exact topic from the library when I went back to get it.

Maybe it was because that was the very fabric of how everything came into existence.

Maybe it was because everything that I had noticed on Kingsland seemed to be pointing to these mysterious deities.

Mr. Ogustus seemed to have been obsessed with them, and a man such as he-

Well, It simply felt so strange that above all things, he would spend so many hours carving every single statue of every god and demi-god that walked the earth.

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