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"Is it that hard for you to watch me walk away?"


I REGISTERED THE note of defeat in his tone, those icy eyes a hollowed echo set in mine for another lingering moment, one that stole yet another breath from me. He looked away in the direction of the ocean.

The smell of salt hung in the air with the light breeze, a hint of fog misting the air as he nodded to himself, then back at me one more time, before suddenly turning away without another word.

It was so abruptly, that I didn't register what exactly he was doing till he passed by me, his coat trailing after him.

A gust of wind blew my hair up, and I watched in growing confusion as he turned away, only to stop a second later, just a troubled step away from me.

He froze in place, staring straight ahead, and yet my own heart was beating harshly-

He turned back, looking at where we touched.

Yep, somehow, my hand had suddenly reached out for his wrist, stopping him from walking further.

Gaze entranced by our connection, I double-blinked what I had just done, quickly letting go and taking a step back as he fully turned, his eyebrows furrowed now studying me.

All I could think about was REALLY UNIVERSE?

The one time that I was genuinely confused about what I should do and needed his help on something was the one time he finally listened and decided to walk away!

Just like I'd been pleading for him to since the first time I had my unfortunate encounter with him and now, it was me pulling him back. Bidding him to stay.

How dramatic.

I stared at him speechless at what I had done, whilst his eyes seemed to study me for a second as if trying to figure something out, but when nothing else happened he sighed, the frustration I had known him for resurfacing,

"Is there a reason I'm being accosted?" he asked, now seemingly bored by it all, staring at me, jaw ticking.

I swallowed still feeling shaky at the boldness of my previous actions, my gaze dropping lowly as I fished for the pebble in my pocket, looking down at it in my hand.

I knew nothing of what I should do with my dilect, I certainly didn't even know where to begin, or how to not feel indecisive- but Harvest and Raskei had started all this. He was the only one I felt could help right now.

Though I had no idea what I expected him to do. All I knew was that I needed someone.

And he was responsible for this.

I looked up at him, holding his gaze for a moment whilst he looked like he was trying to figure out something.

I took a step forward until I was standing before him, holding the pebble in my hand, showing it to him.

He held my gaze for a few more seconds before his gaze dropped to what was in the palm of my hand, looking up at me with a scoff.

"It's a stone," he grunted like he had expected it to be worth his while.

I tried to look past his attitude. It just seemed like he was getting very frustrated for every little thing, reasons I was failing to catch up quickly enough to piece together.

I nodded firmly also feeling slightly frustrated this was the one thing the 'all-knowing' Harvest wasn't able to piece together.

His eyes settled on mine when he saw the intensity of the emotion in my eyes, I figured.

THESE HIDDEN WINGSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon