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"how many points does that give me?"


I HAVE TO do this on my own,

I HAVE to do this on my own.

I kept the mantra going on in my head as I walked into the hallways.

Thankfully, since the bell had only just rung, they were a few students roaming down the hallways, others still waiting to be released by their teachers, which only meant that if I walked fast enough, I wouldn't have to meet too many of them.

As I speed-walked down the hallway, I kept my gaze at ground level, my head bowed slightly, hands clenching my bag straps tightly as if that would somehow protect me from their blatant stares.

Luckily for me, it seemed people were much too invested in the lessons that they had gathered during the last few hours than to pay attention to the girl who was trying to sonic dash back to the scepters.

I couldn't even wait for Claire and David, not wanting to take the risk and be seen.

Breaking out of the King's Crown and into the Crest Courts gave me a breath of fresh air and it was only then I realized how stuffy it had been in there.

There were only a handful of students outside and so I took this opportunity to speed walk out of the premises of the Crown, following the pathway to the Scepters.

Finally walking into the Girls Wing, In all honesty, I didn't know where I was going,

I mean, of course, I knew that the only place I wanted to be right now was in my room, but I still didn't have a key, and I highly doubted Daya was in just yet-

Not this quickly after the bell had just rung,( I wasn't in any rush to meet her any time soon), and probably neither had Claire- but Lira on the other hand.

A smile crept up my face-

That lovely school-ditching friend of mine could be in there.

I stopped at her door, knocking gently on it, whilst glancing sideways to make sure students hadn't yet made it to the dorms.

After a second of no response, I tried again.

When nothing happened I tried the door and it jutted firmly, confirming that it was locked.

I groaned, leaning my forehead on the door, before looking back up at it in desperation, taking a step back from it.

My head turned to the side at the sound of voices and numerous feet.

Yeah, the girls were back.

I decided it was best to wait around in front of my room than here, after all, it was farther away from the madness and so I quickly walked away, until I came to my door.

I stared at the door blankly once more, huffing, knowing fully well it was probably locked but I tried it anyway, pushing against it with extra force

-and I almost fell in, jamming forwards, and not expecting it to wind up wide open.

The only thing going through my mind at that moment was how I was supposed to confront Daya.

I hadn't thought this through at all, but when I looked up I was surprised to see HIM there instead.

Casually seated comfortably on the chair by the table, legs up and nested on it, in his hand, a random book in which he had torn off a page and seemed to have been writing or was it drawing something-

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