Bonus Chapter

352 47 43

HARVEST'S DARK gaze settled at the door, lingering there for a moment, before trailing down on the game that was going on before him.

Rangi sat opposite him, hunched slightly over the chessboard, both hands rested on his cane, studying the pieces intently. He was deep in thought, a slight crease on his forehead.

"Are you sure the Gigan is on his way?" Lwangi called from across the room.

The twin lay on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling. His staff was on top of him, rising and falling as he took in deep breaths.

Harvest grunted in reply, not caring for the topic. Opting to focus on what was before him, he kept his gaze locked on the other twin.

Rangi in turn raised a finger slightly before his brother could get in another word, eyes narrowing on a knight, moving it forward.

"Patience brother....He will come," he stated calmly.

Harvest sighed, disappointed at the play, getting up and dusting his coat.

"Knights are a fancy word for high-class minions, Rangi," he huffed, "It is the Queen you should always keep an eye on. She will not only keep her King safe," he paused as he pushed the Queen to play, toppling his King, "but she is more than ready to give an attack. Checkmate."

Rangi shut his eyes, clenching his jaw as his brother chuckled, "And he wins as he has done every year." Clapping.

"There is a certain glory in winning I can not afford to lose." Harvest confessed, his accent heavy on each word, turning slightly as the door opened.

Lucas walked in, hands raised in mock surrender at the sudden silence.

  "I know-I know. I'm late," he huffed, eyes trailing round the company, stopping in their midst.

"Was that your idea of an apology?" Lwangi countered sitting upright, placing his staff to the side. His lips straighter to a firm line, an identical match to the one his brother had on at the very moment, Lucas noted glancing between them.

He sighed, "Fine.  I'm sorry-I'm late, " he drawled, drawing out a seat for himself as Lwangi got up, walking taking Rangi's place as his opponent at the table.

"Forgiven but not forgotten," He stated with a smirk.

Lucas rolled his eyes at this, catching Harvest's dark figure occupying the spot the twin had just left.

His eyes followed him there for a second, before resting on Lwangi. Both their gazes met as he raised an eyebrow, leaning in to whisper.

"He won?" he asked softly, referring to the previous game.

Rangi rolled his eyes, "There is no need to whisper Lucas, let us not pretend it is anything new" he grunted, "I was defeated as usual. Next year, we play checkers."

Lucas chuckled at this, setting the pieces back on the board to prepare for a new game, "ah, and you think it will turn out any different?" he called out to the twin who was by the singular bookcase, adjusting his agbada.

"He has won every game of chess we've ever played, perhaps his strength falters in checkers," he huffed, "Otherwise, I'm beginning to think we should only have one game each year. if Harvest should always win, and you the same, you should match each other as the only game."

"And break tradition?" Lwangi scoffed, turning slightly in his chair to look at his brother, before shaking his head firmly.

"I will lose to Lucas a thousand times and you to Harvest before I am ready to do that," he stated, Lucas grinning with an amused smirk.

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