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"I warned you,  you didn't know half of the things he was capable of....and you still don't."

HOLDING THAT heavy stare of his left a dent in my brain.

The pressure of my low breaths against my lips felt heavier. Everything else seemed nonexistent.

It was a feeling was quite familiar with, yet this time a tinge of desperation echoed within me.

Something deep inside me hoped that he wouldn't look away like he had in the hallway.

It felt wrong when he broke eye contact first. It was always me trying so hard to break free.

I could hear Lucas saying something as he turned back around, but I was much too entranced with those blue orbs that hadn't broken eye contact yet, to hear much of anything he had said.

However, it was hard to miss his tall frame when he paused beside me, looking in the direction I had been facing, pausing also when he finally saw Harvest and Raskei.

His tone sounded confused when he first spoke- "What are they-"

I glanced at him when the sentence was left hanging, noticing how his look of confusion phased into something of realization.

His whole expression suddenly turned downcast, shutting his eyes as he shook his head, cursing under his breath as he ran a frustrated hand through the long locks that he had freed down to his shoulders.

His jaw ticking when he turned to me apologetically, "I have to go," he stated.

My eyebrows arched at this, glancing at Harvest and Raskei for a second who had taken a few steps down the bleachers but stopped somewhere in the middle, eyes, rested on our frames in the dome.

Harvest's face remained stoic, not revealing much as usual, but his eyes were colder and icier than I was used to.

I always thought those eyes could steal a soul, but now they looked like they would rather destroy it.

I didnt know why I got that feeling from him at this moment, but I reasoned it was probably because of what I saw he did to the Oldbloods.

That had to be the only explanation.

My gaze traveled back to Lucas, whom I caught glancing at Harvest again, sighing when he recaptured my gaze, taking a step closer to me, his tone lower.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot," he explained, his tone sounded a bit guilty yet still bearing an exasperated expression as he folded his arms

"There's this little... uh-thing," he began slowly, glancing again at Harvest and Raskei, "that Harvest, the Twins and I do before every Inter colors game," he explained slowly, "just something we started a few years ago, that we've kept doing-" he stated, "it is more like a tradition now," he huffed.

I nodded slowly at this, trying to understand him. But I couldn't quite focus whilst I was feeling Harvest's dark burning gaze looking in our direction, which somehow made my heartbeat increase.

"Yeah," he nodded, dragging the word, before glancing down at his watch, "I hate to do this to you and I don't want to leave, but-"

I cut him off nodding as I stood up, signing,

[but you have to] I finished for him.

He pursed his lips, tilting his head sideways, nodding softly.

"Yeah, I kind of do. The twins are forgiving with almost anything but they don't compromise when it comes to tradition, I'll never hear the end of it," he sighed, rolling his eyes.

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