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Negan had been having a really fucking lovely dream. Which was surprising after the days events. Carl, worn out after everything, had fallen into a deep sleep within about 5 minutes, which was record time for him. He was burrowed as close as he could get to Negan and clinging on to him as if his life depended on it- which Negan of course secretly was loving. Negan had stayed awake for as long as he could, mulling over everything, trying to pinpoint the exact moment things had gone wrong. Was it the the knife? Something he said? He replayed everything a million times but it was all a blur.

But eventually he did drift off, and he had a lovely dream that he could only remember involved hamburgers and whiskey. Damn he could use a burger and some Jack. And some goddamn fucking fries. Thick fucking steak fries, not skinny ass fries with no backbone. Man's mans fries. He didn't quite get to drinking the whiskey until something- extremely painful- brought him back to consciousness.

At first all he was aware of was an extremely sharp pain in his face- more particularly, his nose- and the distinctive smell of blood. Fuck. Was he bit? How had one of those fuckers made their way in? Carl. Where the fuck was Carl? What the fuck-

Then someone was yelling- or pleading. Suddenly Negans eyes adjusted to the light and he came out of his sleep fog, and everything came Into view. Carl. It had been Carl who was frantically trying to get away from God knows what in his sleep, and had taken out Negans face in the process. What the fuck. The thought crossed Negans mind for the 47th time that day.

"Get the fuck off me." Carl pleaded with the air. Negan had to strategically grab his arms so as to not get decked in the face again, but finally succeeded. "Carl! Hey! Carl, wake the fuck up!" he yelled at him. He pinned down his arms to the bed, hovering over him and holding him down with all his strength, hoping something would rouse him. Negan was only vaguely aware of the blood falling out of his nose until he actually saw it fall on the kid.

Carl gave one last swing, though he didn't get very far. "No-" Carl yelled out, and Negan squeezed his arms roughly, shaking him slightly. Carl's eye finally popped open at this and he stopped suddenly, looking like a deer in headlights. His eye met Negans- and he had never seen that look on the kids face, ever. It was sheer terror. Carl slunk back against the bed as far as he could, trying to get away from the man, who released the grip he had on him immediately. They both sat there for a second, Carl gasping at the air and Negan not quite sure what to do.

"It was just a dream, "Negan said breathlessly to him, to try and calm him at least a little. "I'm the only one here, you're at the Sanctuary, you're safe....Shit, kid..." Negan said quietly as he took in the scene before him. He didn't feel like he had words after the events of the past few hours, and he didn't dare move because he didn't know what would set him off. Broken. This kid was way more fucking broken then he had thought originally.

It took a few seconds, but it seemed as if Carl was resurfacing, his eye coming into focus and meeting Negans again. He was once again breathing heavily, sweat plastering his hair all over his face. He ran a hand over his face, looking around. Negan wasn't expecting the next thing that came out of his mouth.

"You're bleeding everywhere." Carl finally stated, matter of factly, in between catching breaths.

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I couldn't tell, thanks." Negan said sarcastically. He grabbed a blanket and held it up to his face, and realized that he had taken a pretty good hit, as the blood wasn't really stopping. Carl grabbed his shirt which had been discarded next to him and crawled over to Negan.

"Look up."

"I'm fine-" Negan said, annoyed that the kid was now taking care of him.

"You're not. You're bleeding everywhere." Carl held up his shirt to attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Yeah well, you hit hard when a man's sleeping." Negan muffled out. "And you're not exactly fine, either."

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. And actually- yes- I am fine." Carl winced at the amount of blood that was still pouring out. "Seriously, put your head up. This isn't stopping."

"Alright, alright." The two sat in silence for a few moments, Carl checking every few minutes to see if the blood was stopping. And when it did, the two looked at each other, and neither knew what to do for the first time in their...'relationship'. Until, of course, Carl announced he was going to be sick again, and made a sprint for the bathroom. Negan didn't follow him this time, knowing the kid probably wanted his space.

Negan sat quietly on the bed, very bloody shirt in hand, pondering for the 3rd time where the fuck this day had gone wrong as he listened to Carl dry heave for 5 minutes. He chewed the inside of his lip, wondering if he had gotten in over his head with the kid, which gave him a laugh. A kid was too much for him. Not his 8 wives. But a fucking broken kid. Very broken kid, he corrected himself.

The sudden sound of the shower running startled him. Carl appeared, leaning against the doorway, still looking peakish.

"I need to shower. You want me to get some of that blood off of you?"

"Gladly." Negan studied him for a moment, wondering how the kid had gone from almost quite literally pisisng his pants to almost looking relaxed, and striding over to him.

"Don't look in the mirror," Carl said sheepishly. "You're nose isn't looking great. I mean, it's not as bad as my face, but..."

Negan did in fact look in the mirror and his nose was in fact not looking great. He was definitely going to end up with a black eye, or two.
"Geeze kid, you really did a number on my pretty face."

Carl placed a hand on his back, which startled Negan and made him whip around to face the kid, who was grinning. "Maybe I like you like that. What do you say about my face, 'makes me look badass'? Least I don't have a socket fetish." He shrugged and continued to grin, and Negan couldn't help but return it.

Negan suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around Carl and pulled him into him as closely as he could, which seemed to take Carl by surprise a little bit, but he eventually relaxed into the mans arms. Negan buried his face in Carl's shoulder, rocking them back and forth slightly and breathing him in. It took a few minutes, but eventually he could feel some of the tension leaving the kids body. He brought his hand to the back of Carl's neck and cradled his head, before kissing his forehead.

"We need to talk kid." He whispered gently, leaving his lips on Carl's forehead. Carl knew it was coming but he still let out a little defeated sigh.

"I know." Carl gave himself a few more seconds of comfort in the mans arms and then straightened a little, wrapping his arms around his neck and meeting his gaze. "I know." he repeated quietly. "And we will. I just- first I need to shower and get this...feeling...off of me. Of them. And then..." he pulled Negan in a little closer. "I need you to make me yours again- I need you to remind me that I'm yours. Then. Then we can talk. I promise."

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