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Negan kissed him harshly, possessively, with more teeth than anything until Carl had that familiar metallic taste in his mouth that he loved so much. The man brought his hands up to the back of Carls head, and pulled him as close as he could rather forcibly. Before long he had intertwined his hands through his hair, and suddenly moved his hands and started to apply just the smallest amount of pressure on top of Carls head. Carl knew exactly what it meant. He pulled back and grinned at him.

"Oh. So you think you earned that today?" He asked lightly.

"Well shit, kid, you tell me." Negan played along.

Carl just smiled slyly at him. " I think you did." He took the mans hands in his own and forced them back so they were resting above Negans head on the pillow and started to crawl down him slowly after giving one last grin. "Relax and let me take care of you daddy." He kissed a particularly sensitive spot on Negans stomach that he knew drove the man crazy, letting his teeth drag over the skin there just slightly. " Not like you can do much else right now with that bullet wound so don't even try."

Negan sighed out, willing himself to finally relax after this clusterfuck of a day.

If there was one thing the boy was good at it was sucking dick. He'd mentioned once to Negan shortly after the man had found out about the claimers that it was something that he hadn't been forced to endure with them, so it was the one thing that didn't come with any attachment memories that he had to shake from himself. This all just translated to Carl being more than willing to go down on him for as long as Negan needed to unwind from even the most stressful days, which if he was being honest, was a damn long time shortened only by Carls exuberance to get his mouth on his dick.

Carl had a way of drawing it out just long enough to where any coherent thought left Negans brain and ceased to exist in that moment, and Negan always made sure to thank him for it later in his own way. As touch starved as he was, the man soon realized that if he kneaded his hands into a sensitive spot directly middle of Carls neck it would elicit a sound like he'd never heard from the boy and cause him to seemingly lose any and all gag reflex. He utilized that little trick now, massaging his thumb into that little spot and bringing out an ungodly moan from the boy that sent vibrations through him and went straight to his dick.

He had just started to relax when Carl pulled off suddenly and looked up to him with an unreadable expression. Negan locked eyes with him, confused and also fighting off the urge to push him the fuck down on him again as hard as he could to finish what he started.

"How many people did you kill today?" Carl asked quietly.

"W-what?" Negan's brow furrowed in confusion, annoyed, because it was definitely the strangest question he'd ever had a blow job interrupted for.

"You heard me." Carl replied firmly.

"You mean roamers, or-?"

"Like I give a fuck about them." Carl rolled his eye. " How many people did you kill?" He asked again, pointedly, and like he was losing his patience with the man.

"I don't know, I lost count-"

"Bullshit. You count. I know you do." His breath ghosted lightly over Negan's dick- very much on purpose- and he lapped his tongue out just enough to make contact with Negans dick, which just broke any willpower he had left and he gave in.

"Fine. Eleven."

Carl let out a contented little sigh and bit his lower lip at that, not losing eye contact with Negan. "How many with Lucille?" He asked almost breathlessly, his pupils totally blown as he looked up at Negan.

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