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Morning came too soon for both of them, the harsh light filtering in and waking up a disgruntled Negan too early. For once he was awake before Carl, who was sleeping quietly next to him, facing him and hugging his damn pillow because apparently Negan wasn't enough. Seeing him like this was a rarity, unguarded and relaxed for once, and he suddenly found him wishing it was a much more common occurrence.

"Mooorning sunshine..." he sang out, running a hand through his hair. Carl tiredly batted away his hand and mumbled something incoherent, but Negan kept wheedling at him.

"Neeg seriously, stoppit." Carl sighed out and dug his head into the pillow more.

"Head bothering you again baby?"

Carl shrugged but dug his head into the pillow more. "Just stop talking." he whispered. Negan moved closer to him and put a hand in his hair. He grabbed a fistful and pulled on it gently, just enough to cause a little bit of pain.

"Whatta you doin?" Carl mumbled out angrily through the pillow.

"Shhh...just relax, my little ball of fiery anger. This will help, I promise."

Carl huffed but didn't retort. Negan worked his way around his hair, pulling at little tufts, just enough to put the right amount of pressure and to Carls surprise that within in a few minutes it seemed to alleviate the feeling- just slightly, but it was something-that an icepick was being driven into his head. He still felt the after affects but the pain had subsided enough that he could think straight. He finally let out a little sigh of relief and curled into Negan, finally peeking an eye up at him.

"Hi." he whispered out.

"Hi," Negan replied back with a smirk, kissing his forehead. "You're welcome." He brushed some of the hair out of Carls face and stared down at him, not breaking eye contact in an uncharastically intimate moment for him. Carls eye darted away quickly, not sure what to do under his gaze, but Negan reached out and grabbed his jaw, bringing him back to look at him. They stayed like that until they had lost track of time, forgetting momentarily about the trek to Alexandria.


"Well, well what do we have here?"

An hour later Negan found Carl in their makeshift infirmary, rooting through whatever small amount of various medicine they had. The trucks were ready to go, most of the man waiting on him. Carl didn't react to the sound of Negans voice, just kept mentally cataloguing everything and throwing select things into his bag. Negan crossed his arms and leaned into the doorway. Finally Carl turned around and met his stance.

"What?" he asked casually. Negan raised his eyebrows at him.

"You reallyyy doin' what I think you're doing?"

"Sure fucking am."

"I don't know if you had a momentary fucking stroke or something kid but that's not exactly how things wo-"

"It is now." Carl started to walk past him but Negan held Lucille out and blocked the door. Carl turned towards him with a glare and then walked closer to him. His hand snaked up and suddenly Lucille was in his hands instead of Negans, who had been caught off guard- guard something that tended to only happen with Carl.

"You're full of de-lic-ious surprises today, aren't you?" with a huge grin. Carl wasn't amused.

"Remember when you weren't taking our food? Because you knew you needed us fed to scavenge for your shit? Same applies here. Think of it as a trade. With you-us- coming out ahead of course. People there need to be healthy to provide. And if you think I'm going to sit here and let you hoard all this medicine while my sister sits there with nothing then you're the one with the fucking momentary stroke. It should be there in case they need it. Not a lot, just to get by in an emergency."

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