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Rick pulled back and took Carls face in his hands, his hand going immediately to the still healing cut on his forehead. "You okay?" it was now a question versus a mantra. Carl nodded firmly. "Yeah, I'm fine dad."

A voice rang out behind him, making Carl jump. Something sharp hit his shoulder- Lucille, of course.

"Well ain't this just a-fucking-dorable as shit. I hate to break up the fam reunion, but Imma have to insist as we got shit ta do!"

He put Lucille on Rick's chest and pushed back a little, Rick's hands going up in mock surrender and backing away. Carl shot a glare at Negan that could have literally killed him. It threw Negan off a little, since after all of Carl's talk he wasn't anticipating this strong of a reaction towards Rick from him. But if the kid was one thing it was unpredictable.

Carl shifted father away from Rick, not in the mood to set Negan off and found Michonne and Tara standing behind him. Michonne put a hand on his shoulder and started to guide him away but before she got very Negan was suddenly in front of them, cutting them off, Lucille swung casually over his shoulder.

"Well excuse the shit outta me, where do ya think you're going Carl? Maybe my memory is failing me, but I don't recall saying you could leave."

Michonne answered first with her usual somber tone. "I'm taking him to get a decent meal in him, looks like he hasn't-"

"I'm going to go see my sister. If that's okay with you. Sir. " Carl interrupted as sarcastically as he could, narrowing his eye at him. He suddenly wished he still had two just so he could get more of a point across.

He had known that Negan was going to treat him like this as soon as they got to Alexandria, but that didn't mean he had to like it. He also knew better than to put on an attitude with him- it might make things too obvious if he got away with too much, since anyone else who spoke to him like that would already have their face ironed, or not have a face at all- but he couldn't help it.

"Carl-" Rick started, a warning tone in his voice and his eyes shifting over to his son with a worried look. Carl just shrugged back at him.

Negan ran a hand down his chin and studied Carl for a moment before leaning back and grinning. "Well alrighty then kid. You should be going anyways, the adults have important adult things to discuss. Run along."

Carl huffed out a laugh and made eye contact with Dwight for a second who had a knowing look in his eyes. Michonne put a hand back on his shoulder and guided him away from Negan as quickly as she could.

"Just wanted you away from that fucking psycho as fast as I could." she whispered to him once they were almost out of earshot.

"Thanks." he mumbled, anger coursing through him at Negans ridiculous attitude towards him, which was just worsening his headache. They reached the house they called their own and walked into it silently, Michonne following him closely. Carl could feel a slight panic rising in him as he walked in. Everything felt familiar yet entirely foreign at the same time, like he was stuck in some bizarre out of body experience.

And then he was inside and saw Olivia holding Judith, and he forgot about all of that.

"Oh! Carl, you're here!" Olivia exclaimed. "Look Judith, look who's here!"

He hesitantly walked over to her, not sure if she would even remember him or not. He knew it was only a month, but that was a long time at her age. But then Judith smiled at him and reached her arms out to him and relief swept over him. Home, this really felt like home now.

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