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" What in the ever-loving fuck is going on here?!? What the fuck?!"

Negan wasn't sure what to look at first. Sherry was fucking knocked out on the floor, bleeding. Carl was pinned to the wall and so pale he looked like he had died and rose again after 3 days, and Simon was- well Simon was fucked.

Simon immediately whipped around to face Negan and let go of Carl, who slumped to the floor at the unexpected loss of Simons hands pinning him to the wall.

"I- I'm just putting this kid in his place Negan." Simon stuttered out, but got more confident as he was talking, trying to convince Negan of what was truly going on. "He snuck out and I was just teaching him a lesson."

"He snuck out?" Negan gritted out, pointing Lucille at him. "Sherry, too? My super hot wife, who is now knocked utterly unconscious ?"

"I-well-" Simon flailed around for words unsuccessfully.

"You want to know what I think it looks like? I think it looks like you're about to touch what's mine. And you know I don't share well."

"I wouldn't do that, you know I wouldn't-"

" Oh ? So you're calling me a liar , now?" Negan asked with his eyebrows raised.

"No!! He- he came on to me, I-"

"Reaaaaaaly??" Negan drew out in a dramatic fashion. " Carl? Really?" He turned to him on the floor. " My sweet little innocent Carl? I don't believe it!" He gasped out mockingly, and then turned back to Simon with a deadpan look. "No, I really don't believe it actually. Fuck you. "

Simon never had a chance. Lucille connected with his head as Carl looked on from the floor, eyes widening at the sight of him being mercilessly beaten to a pulp. Blood kicked up everywhere, including on his face, but he was too enthralled to take his eyes away from Negan. Something stirred inside of him at the sight, and he wasn't sure if it was the drugs or just watching Negan in his element. Negan was killing for him. For him.

Something primitive and feral- but familiar- was clawing it's way out of Carl as he watched Simons head become nothing more than a mark on the ground. He had seen others kill for him too, mostly his dad. Just like the night of the claimers, something had changed in him that night- for many reasons.

Somewhere along the line it had started to seem to him like violence and protection and love went hand in hand, and the lines were getting all skewed in his head and the wires crossed because as much as he fought it nothing quite compared to just giving in finally and letting someone protect him, and-and-and his mind was suddenly racing- and shit if Negan knew half of the daddy issues he really had- no, no, no. He blamed his thought process on the drugs in his system and physically shook his head to rid himself of them, his attention going back to Negan who had finally stopped pummeling what little was left of Simons head.

Out of breath, Negan looked around when he heard footsteps behind him and saw Dwight running over to Sherry. He threw Lucille down and then immediately ducked down to Carl.

He grabbed his face in his hands, more roughly than he had intended, wiping Simon's blood from his cheeks. "Are you okay?" He demanded, terrified. " Did he hurt you?!" He knew he was shouting but he didn't care.

Carl shook his head. "I'm fine, Negan, seriously. 'M great."

Dwight had given Negan the run down the second he had gotten back- that Carl was injured, and Sherry had set him up in a room, tucked away with painkillers and a book. Still, Negan had sprinted to him in concern, but the last thing on earth that he had been expecting was the sight that had met him.

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