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The first night that Carl arrived at the Sanctuary he was herded up to a familiar room by Negan. He stopped outside and turned around, glaring at the man in confusion. Negan took Lucille and prodded Carl in the chest lightly, urging him inside the door.

"Well, in ya go, what are you waiting for?" he asked the kid in an annoyed voice. It had been a hellish long day, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with a pissy kid.

"I'm- I'm not- This is your room." Carl said dumbly.

"Right you are kid." Negan suddenly had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Fuck you. I'm not staying in there with you." he went to move away, only to have Lucille pushed a little harder into his chest.

"Nah uh uh. Not so fast. You think I can parade your fine ass around without anyone noticing you? Half my men want to tear into you, so you sleeping in this room is for your own damn good. Hope you didn't get too excited at the prospect of sleepin' next to me in that big ass bed- you, sir, get the couch." and he winked for good measure as he opened the door. Carl reluctantly followed him in.

"So what?" the kid asked as glared around, once again taking in his surroundings to the semi-familiar room, putting on his usual show of false bravado. "So a few of your guys want to kill me, what's new with that?"

Negan turned on his heel swiftly at that and let out a laugh. He raised Lucille above his shoulders and swayed over to Carl, backing him up against the now closed door. Negan studied him for a moment, and Carl glared up at him. In a second Negan was so close Carl could feel his breath on him.

"You know, when I said 'tear into you' I don't think you got what I was implying, so I'll make this crystal. fucking. clear. to you." Negan leaned in even closer at the last few words. "I meant tear into that pretty ass of yours. And I mean that pretty literally, kid." he reached out and put a hand on Carl's shoulder, who tensed immediately and slunk back into the door as far as he could. Carl swallowed and looked around, suddenly not meeting Negans eyes.

"That got your attention, didn't it? But you're not dumb." Negan reached out and grabbed Carl's jaw, forcing him to look at him. "You know all the men've been wanting you for a good few years now." Carl's one eye trailed away from him again, so Negan tightened his grip on him to get his attention. "But you had daddy RIck to protect you from all that, didn't you? Here, you're all alone. So, yeah. You're sleeping in here tonight kid. Gotta bring you back in one piece so you can get back to that piece of ass I'm sure you have back home."

Negan straightened, Lucille at his side. "Orrrr, maybe you're someone's piece of ass. You ever fucked someone, kid?" Negan reached out again with Lucille and brought the bat up to Carl's chin, twisting slightly and forcing Carl to meet his gaze again. "Better yet, anyone ever fuck you?" At this Carl's eye involuntarily flashed up to Negan, but only for a second, and then it was gone- but Negan got the message.

"Ah, ah, ah. Really? My rad ass bad ass has a thing for the boys?" Negan knelt down again to Carl's level, getting dangerously close to him. "Alright, alright, good for you. Was it some pretty little boy back at home, back in your little prissy ass solar powered houses, hiding out from daddy Rick? Did your little boyfriend have to quiet your screaming from his dick pounding into you so good to make sure daddy wouldn't hear?"

Carl shuffled uncomfortably. Negan grinned.

"You seem a little too interested in who's fucking me, you know that?" Carl scowled up at him with his one eye.

"You got me there. But you wanna know why?" Carl didn't want to know [but shit, maybe part of him did]. Silence, so of course Negan continued. "Because I don't think you're into little boys fucking you in prissy ass, clean houses. I think...I think you want more than that. A whole lot more than that. Scratch that."

Negan turned around, swinging Lucille aimlessly again at the air. He turned back to the kid with a wicked smile, and rounded again on Carl. "I think you need it. I think you crave it like air. There is so much darkness in that pretty little head of yours. You are so fucked up. Beautifully fucked up. You need someone who matches your own crazy." Negan reached out and curled a hand around Carl's neck. Carl jumped reflexively and pushed back into the door as if trying to get away. But there was nowhere to go [if he was telling himself the truth, no, he wouldn't go anyways even if he could.]

His breath hitched as he felt Negans grip on his throat tighten. [This. This was all he had ever needed.]. Negans other hand was suddenly trailing down Carl's arm. And then his stomach. And then on his jeans, pressing into his dick. And Carl was pretty sure he was going to die right then and there. Then there were teeth on his neck, and Carl's breathing had reached an almost panicked state. His vision was starting to go black. Suddenly the hand on his neck released and Negan pulled away, with a grin on his face like Carl had never seen.

"Oh yeah, kid." Negan whispered in his ear. "I am very interested in who's fucking you."

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