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If he hadn't already been shot twice and dealt with the repercussions of waking up after said injuries, waking up in his bed in Alexandria would have definitely been the most confusing experience of his life. It was dark, so dark he could barely tell at first where he was at, but looking around it was unmistakably home. He could make out the form of his poor dad sleeping next to him in a chair- fucking typical, he thought because he'd done this about 86 times now. His limbs felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and he couldn't string together two coherent thoughts to save his life he was sure.

There was a sudden movement in the doorway that caught his attention and he blearily looked over to see who it was- Michonne. She had noticed he was awake, and met his eye. She didn't smile, and just looked over at him concerned.

Shit, he swore inwardly. What the fuck had happened to him now?

"H-hi." He said in a whisper, his voice faltering and surprising him.

Her expression softened and she started to walk towards him. "You- do you know where you are?" she asked quietly, in slow calculated tones.

He nodded, confused. "Not how I got here, but...yeah?" he said softly as to not wake up his dad next to him who looked like he needed the rest, as always.

She smiled at that and sat down on the bed next to him silently. "You know who I am?"

"Yes...What's going on Michonne?" he asked slowly, now thoroughly confused as to what the hell had happened to him.

"You just gave us a scare." She said after a pause, and he could tell she was choosing her words carefully.

"Of course I did." He sighed out.

"That's what you seem to do best." She chuckled at him."What's the last thing you remember?"

"I..." he fell silent, closing his eye and trying to search for what he did remember, but it was all jumbled. One big clusterfuck. His head was pounding, and wanted to sink into the bed forever. He did remember things but he wasn't sure if some of them were a dream or it had actually happened.

"You know what, nevermind." Michonne said decisively. " Just rest, okay?" She ran a hand through his hair in her motherly way that always calmed him down." Whatever you want me to get you, you name it, it's yours- something to eat? Water?...Negan?" She added the last part with a smile, but Carl was sure he was going to die right there. If the floor swallowed him he'd be happy.

"Uh...Water, sure."

"Nothing else?' she pried, still smiling. "No Negan?"

He shrugged slowly, and she knew that was his way of giving in. "Thank you Michonne." he replied sincerely with a smile. The second she left he felt the weight of sleep pulling at him and he laid back down, burrowing into the less than comfortable mattress as compared to what they had back at the Sanctuary. His eye was fixed on the sleeping form of his father, wondering what the hell had happened to him and how he had ended up here.

He wasn't aware when Negan made his way into the room, only that he felt a sudden hand running through his hair and as much as he wanted to he felt like he physically couldn't open his eye again. He gave himself a few more seconds of sleep until he slowly pried his eye open, and once he did though he actually gasped at the sight of what was before him.

Negan was crouched down next to him and looked like he'd been in a bad bar fight. He had a faint black eye forming around his left eye, his lip was visibly puffy and had probably been split. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and his eyes were totally bloodshot.

"I- what the fuck happened?" Carl questioned him, sitting up in a panic.

"Oh, you know- you happened." He said, grinning. "You pack a wallop, kid. But relax, I'm fine."

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